NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

And who was that, mate?

My 12 year old is vaccinated pal.

But that’s not the point.

You still haven’t explained why the surge in children has not resulted in a surge in hospitalizations.

For Covid or measles or both?

Are you in favour of vaccination for 12 and up, and when approved, for all ages?

For lots of things. Including Covid. He was due a hPV vaccine this weekend too but they won’t give it to him as his parents were abroad in last 14 days. I’m in favour of people being given the information and then allowed make an informed decision and not being labeled for that decision which they are entitled to make and take.

The fact remains that Covid does not make kids very sick.

I’d be more critical of a person refusing a measles vaccine given all we know now about measles.

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So you are in favour of vaccination for children 12 and up, and given that your child has been vaccinated for lots of things, you are in favour of vaccination of children as a broad concept.

So I presume this will extend to all ages vaccination if and when this is approved?

Others here have dubbed the vaccination of children as “monstrous”.

What would would be your opinion of that sentiment?

Covid can make children very sick, it can and does kill them. Deaths are obviously rare when taken on a population level, illnesses still rare but less rare, but the balance of risks is clear in favour of vaccination.

Vaccinating children against Covid is no different to vaccinating them for measles in that regard.

I’d wait to see the data on that. I’d imagine testing vaccines on young children is not the same as adults and carries with it different challenges as a 3 year old and 9 year old are very different in terms of development and physiology. Dosages will be different too, should that be by age and if so what differential - year, month, based on weight?

I’d not rush to vaccinate a very young child now against Covid.

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But we have ample safety data as regards the safety of vaccines in children. 8.9 million children have been vaccinated in the US. So far, 0 deaths that we know of.

Whereas around 20 a week are dying from Covid.

Hundreds have died in Indonesia, and that was just in one month alone.

The balance of risks is undeniable and favours vaccination, as you yourself have calculated - and heavily so.

I simply cannot understand why anybody would advocate not vaccinating children when approved. It can only be irrational ideology.

What’s the data on safety of vaccinating against Covid a

  • 2 month old
  • 3 month old
  • 6 month old
  • 2 year old
  • 3 year old


Kids are not just smaller adults. You can’t give kids aspirin or honey under certain ages or aspirin in certain situations at all. As an example.

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Vaccines would not be approved unless the data proves they are overwhelmingly safe and the appropriate protocols have been gone through. None of this is for me to decide. That’s why we have scientific experts to decide this stuff.

The science says it is safe for 12 and up. Unfortunately it appears that some people on vaccination committees such as the JCVI have been over cautious and ignored the evidence. I don’t know why they have done that. I can only presume it is non-science ideology overruling the evidence.

But look it, vaccination is the same principle for all ages. If it’s safe, approved and if the benefits outweigh the risks, and they clearly do in this case both on a personal level and a societal level, there’s no reason not to be vaccinated.

Obviously I don’t currently advocate vaccination for under 12s because the protocols haven’t been gone through yet - indeed - this would be illegal.

But it looks almost certain that this will happen soon. 5 and up in the US looks a formality to be approved very soon.

And one would imagine that all ages won’t be too far behind.

If it is, it will be so because it is safe.

It will be a very good day if and when vaccination is available to all ages.


Israel has demonstrated that vaccines don’t reduce transmission, I suppose this means that there’s really no point in injecting healthy children/young people?

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Poor sid, desperately twittering as we speak :sweat_smile:

Injecting kids in like something the Nazi’s would be at in the 1930’s

Aussie Aussie Aussie

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Have they still got the Internet there?

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another 2 weeks should do it

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Zero Covid negates the need for lockdowns mate

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Lol Australia, get out of that hellscape @Chucks_Nwoko

Police brutality is a serious problem down under