NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

He just read “scourge” off a piece of paper but completely mispronounced it. It’s actually incredible this man is the most powerful man in the World

In fairness to him he was very humble about finding the miracle cure.

Probably saving that speech for his Nobel Prize.

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Wait until Biden is president if you think this is bad.

He’s not even the real US president, Putin is.

What Trump is doing is basically no different to the corporations who bought off doctors so they could push opioids onto vulnerable communities in the 1990s.

On an aside. Not a bad day at the office for Alex Salmond

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No Fauci again

Probably has COVID-19, Trump definitely has it.

Jesus wept he’s but the flu-ing and also but the car accidents-ing.

DJT basically saying this ends in a week as the two behind him shift uncomfortably

Ah lovely :grin:

He’s fed up of it already, get back to work.

The English govt have

From the coverage it appears the British public are the most cavalier regarding the guidelines given.

No more so than the yanks or the Irish tbh.
They’ve also been given false reassurance from the off.

That actually sounds plausible. You are joking?

I dont know but I bet he’s selling it

No, the two parties are arguing over items in the bill that have nothing to do with this crisis and getting help to people.

Lovely bit of banter between brothers Andrew and Chris Cuomo on CNN.

Chris “What was your greatest mistake since this crisis started”
Andrew “Coming on your show”

Edit Wrong thread