NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Full lockdown in UK.

Did Sid get another clamping last night?


Sports Direct have done a U turn and will now close…

Damning. One of the key characteristics of far right grifters is their propensity to push fake “supplements”, “treatments”, “drugs” etc. onto vulnerable people. Con artists in other words. See Alex Jones etc. But it’s also been a key defining characteristic of the US pharmaceutical industry in general, hence the opioid epidemic. That’s what Trump is doing here.

He’s literally enticing desperate people who haven’t a clue what they’re doing to kill themselves with drugs. People who do that should go to prison.

An utterly grotesque psychopathy runs through the Republican party. They are genuinely prepared to let a holocaust happen to let Trump continue ruining America. In terms of ideology, it’s ISIS-like.

The greatest generation

Patriots more like. The same people whose generation fought the nazis so you have the right to post your drivel.

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Wow. Demanding a holocaust now be inflicted on the elderly now counts as “patriotism”, according to yourself.

Inflicting a holocaust on the elderly and infirm was an actual Hitler policy.

This is what you are now calling for.

This crisis has totally exposed the utter insanity of yourself and others like you here.

Whatever about in Ireland where there is generally a bit of space about. The population densities of cities like London and New York must be a ticking time bomb.

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Parody account

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Fake news

You’re right. The 70,000 figure is short by 180,000

Open this morning in Rochdale.

Jaysus. Laura has skilfully ignored more than most.
Edit. Parody account.

Trump has definitely been at his worst in this crisis. Almost every other issue there was an alternative view to be argued but on coronavirus he’s just been an incompetent clueless cunt.

Trump views this not as a crisis but as an opportunity - an opportunity to enact dictatorial powers and to enrich himself as Putin has done.

Since 2015, those who genuinely warned about what Trump is and what he would do have been proven correct at every step of the way - well, except for the fact that things have usually worked out even worse than even they predicted.

Since 2015, idiots have viewed what was happening through the prism of normality, when what was happening was at no stage remotely normal. This is exactly what happened in 1930s Germany.

And now we have actually 1930s Germany policies front and centre.

There is one word and one word only through which the Trump regime and the Republican party in general can be viewed, and that word is “evil”.

People should have listened to the doom mongers in 2015. They were right.

If the model I posted on the main thread last night is even close to being correct, with half assed social distancing measures the UK could see north of 500,000 deaths. This (according to the model) could be reduced to 20 - 30K if the aggressive measures announced yesterday are adhered to, but it will take up to 3 months of these new measures.

The important thing is that there is still time to prevent hospitals becoming overloaded, if that happens the death toll will skyrocket.

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Surely trump opening the country up for business in the coming weeks is a bad idea given that?