NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

We could be Brisbane.

I miss the days when this thread was a one stop shop for my daily Australian news.

I hope @Enrique isn’t giving up the fight for the horrific human rights abuse going on nationwide. At least, I presume it’s still going on?


Hi @Chucks_Nwoko, how were the beachside coffees today? Did you volunteer to spray the posts of an AFL game to stop the spread?

But but but Sweden aren’t counting their cases.


So they are on about shutting the country down because a few old people are dying per week?

It’s amazing how all the bedwetters were indifferent when flu killed and ravaged the health service every winter.

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It is crazy. All the young people’s lifes been destroyed over this.

In what way?

AZ - A Rolls Royce of a vaccine.

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Cant have normal social lives. Kids cant have parties with their friends. People mid 30s struggling to meet prospective partners. The list is endless.

All of this is untrue. Parties are happening. People in mid 30’s are meeting.

No list is endless.

Please dont waste my time.


Some are true but dating apps not for everyone.

Who said anything about dating apps? Pubs and nightclubs are open.

You’re not meant to mix with people you don’t know in pubs as it’s all table service.

Nightclubs have to have tickets and a lot of people don’t frequent nighclubs.

Virtually impossible to get any relationship going now without dating apps.

I dunno what pubs you’re going to, but any pub I’ve been in there’s been plenty of mixing.

No mixing in any city centre pubs I’ve been in generally bar Letterkenny and other Northern establishments.

Might be loads of mixing alright in Ballymacbackward full of 46 year old agricultural types.


Cant say I was ever in Ballymacbackward, but pucks of it anywhere else I go. Mighty craic.


Isn’t it remarkable how well Sweden are doing. 10% of the hospitalization rate of most of western Europe, including Ireland, and roughly 20% of the death rate. Never had a lockdown, never closed their schools, never closed businesses, didn’t destroy their economy. Life in Sweden is normal and has been relatively normal throughout the pandemic. Meanwhile Ireland is talking about renewed lockdowns two years into this and the pandemic maybe lasting 3 more years.

Sweden didn’t borrow like other EU countries to “fight” the pandemic, their debt to GDP is roughly 40%, most of the EU is now at or above 100% and rising (forget about quoting Ireland, GDP is still grossly inflated by MNC exports that have nothing to do with the real economy). Italy is at 156%, Portugal at 136%, Spain at 120%. The economic cost is the big elephant in the room here. EU lawmakers have clearly said that 2020-2021 debt like all debt will have to paid back by member states, and that burden as always will fall on citizens and future generations. But you have “experts” on here who say the ECB can just print more money. They can’t and they won’t, inflation is already through the roof.

Sweden got it right lads, and the fall out of getting it wrong hasn’t even started yet.


Mike Hunt has serious egg on his face.