NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19


From November 15th:

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Ok on TFK, thanks.

Let it rip!!!

78,610 cases


This is the vaccine

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Deaths are plummeting

The saffers have saved humanity.

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Omncrom is the silver bullet, go out and get infected is my advice


Sweden Sweden Sweden


My sources are telling me Sydney will fall in the next few days. I’m on my way to the beach for a farewell chai latte. Christmas is cancelled.


No 10 in revenge mode

You can’t compare Sweden with other EU countries. I’m not sure why. But its not allowed


Didn’t trump push the vaccine and start operation warp speed to push through vaccine development?

Especially Denmark and Finland.

The Pfizer vaccine was German. BioNTech developed it.

Doesn’t matter he wanted to get the vaccine out ASAP.

Imagine if he was still in charge and pushing the vaccine. The narrative would be so different

So you’re basically saying that Trump voters are cultists.

I agree.

But Boris Johnson pushed the vaccines. And still right wing zealotry opposes them.

Donald Trump and Dolly Parton saved us all folks

There would be large population of Liberal people refusing to take the vaccine as its trumps vaccine and he was in bed with big pharma. Similar cultist mindset on both sides of the shit heap

If Donald Trump had advocated for the vaccine, this probably wouldn’t be happening.

Alas, he didn’t advocate for it, and this is happening.

Fascism has taken a new and terrifying turn. Hatred of science is at the heart of it.

If he was president still he would be telling people to get it. There is as many fools who think orange man bad as there is that say biden is bad. They will always do the opposite