NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Tragic for the laptop cohort having to work from home for longer.

In Sweden or Ireland?

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I’ve always been able to manage it

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You’ll need some size of a larger to score in that night club

@flattythehurdler and @Tassotti are after riddling the place so they are

Denmark which cannot be compared with anyone except other Scandinavian countries is absolutely riddled. Worst in the World

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No you can compare Denmark with Ireland and with Sweden but can’t compare Ireland with Sweden.


You can’t compare Sweden with Denmark or Norway.

Boris, Boris, Boris, drive on and let this fucker rip

The virus changes once it reaches Scandinavia

Sweden has negative excess mortality. Their policies are saving people. Unreal


I am also certain someone informed us here a while back that Sweden had stopped accurately recording cases/deaths. The stats above validate that.

CDC’s new guidance to drop isolation of positives to 5 days without a negative test is reckless

Some ppl stay infectious 3 days,Some 12

I absolutely don’t want to sit next to someone who turned Pos 5 days ago and hasnt tested Neg

Test Neg to leave isolation early is just smart
I am 100% for getting people to drop isolation early.

Heck, I formally recommended it to CDC in May 2020 and Published the recommendation in J of Clin Infectious Diseases in April 2020.

But it was always with a negative test.

What the heck are we doing here?

This is the part that hurts the most. The reason they are doing this:

“The change is motivated by science demonstrating… SARS-CoV-2 transmission occurs… generally in the 1-2 days prior to onset of symptoms and the 2-3 days after”


Today, it is OBVIOUS the situation has changed.

Ppl are testing earlier b/c symptom onset is early - no longer two days after people are infectious.

So now people are staying positive even longer after testing positive, because they find out earlier they are positive.

And by positive I don’t mean PCR positive. I mean rapid antigen test positive for days longer. Often more than 10 days.

So to say, leave isolation regardless of if you have a positive antigen test is remarkable.

Someone KNOWN to be Pos for 5 days is, in my view, still one of the highest risk individuals in society for onward spread. We do SO much just to find ppl who are positive in first place. When we do identify them, we should do everything possible to keep them from spreading


Are you doing that thing you do where you are posting links to an expert when they agree with you but where you have vehemently disagreed with them in the past?


Limiting isolation periods to a set number of days when there are reliable, accessible tests to tell if you are contagious is just stupid.

A system similar to the close contact regime should also be put in place for infected people.


You’re doing that thing you’ve done for the entirety of the pandemic where instead of actually debating against a common sense point you dismiss it purely because you don’t like it.

Your retreat into constant childish trolling behaviour is why you’re not taken seriously as a poster any more.

It has been a sad decline.

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On the low side, ie. to allow mixing after three days, I think it would be very foolish.

On the high side, yes I think it would be very foolish to abitrarily restrict an isolation period to five days, without a negative test, as demonstrated by Michael Mina.