NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

What way is Hungary with restrictions and vaccine mandates. I know they have a mental goverment but no idea how they sut with covid

Maybe that ref in wicklow that time had a positive antigen



Show vax cert and work away. About the same as here

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Nice bit of needle on gbn now.

Sure we walked out of school because we weren’t allowed where white runners ffs.


You never walked out of school in your life. Or into one.


As they lose the war they are now turning against science


Boris is going to be absolutely seething after this if he’s ousted.

I remember back in the day the ASTI were striking regularly. Some of the lads in Sexton street decided to have a strike against the teachers over their strike. Absolutely no rationale at all. Was absolutely hilarious.

I think it went on for the full day as well. I stuck around for about an hour and a half outside the gates of the school and went away then. Live95fm interviewed one of the “ringleaders” as well. I think on the day.

Was absolutely hilarious in fairness at the time.


How are the kiwis getting on now with covid? A lot of talk about the Aussies lately but not the kiwis.

News night just started there now @Lazarus on BBC.

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Oh BTW I see Spain have announced they’re going to be the first EU country to treat covid as an endemic disease instead of a pandemic. The Spanish government seemed to be emphasising that it was a groundbreaking approach.


Approaches that minimise the threat of Covid do tend to be groundbreaking in that they significantly increase the amount of ground that has be broken to dig graves.

New Zealand halts room releases for quarantine due to fears over Omicron. 93% of the eligible population are fully vaccinated. Not sure where NZ are going…

Glas the racist.

Under the bed.