NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

A few lads on their own on a balcony having a few beers in the middle of the day. Is that illegal now?

Welcome to Australia

Advance Australia Deportation Squad

It was six o clock in the morning and they hadn’t been to bed yet. You can’t be having that.

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Restrictions brought in to combat the Omicron variant before Christmas will be lifted across Scotland from next Monday, with nightclubs re-opening, social distancing rules in bars and restaurants shelved and large indoor events resuming.

But the public are being urged to remain “cautious” about socialising in larger groups, to continue to work from home and use face coverings, while vaccine passports remain in use for large-scale events.

First minister Nicola Sturgeon said that the latest data “gives us confidence that we have turned the corner on the Omicron wave”.

Confirming a significant fall in the number of new positive cases, Sturgeon said that on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday of last week, 36,526 new positive cases were recorded through PCR and lateral flow tests, compared with 20,268 cases reported this Sunday, Monday and today.

With hospital admissions and admissions to intensive care falling, Sturgeon said that the data suggests Omicron peaked in the first week of January and that “we are now on the downward slope of this wave of cases”.

On Monday, the limit on numbers at outdoor public events was lifted.

The remaining statutory measures introduced in response to Omicron - limits on indoor public events; the requirement for one metre physical distancing between different groups in indoor public places; the requirement for table service in hospitality premises serving alcohol on the premises; and the closure of nightclubs - will be lifted from next Monday, 24 January.

From Monday, the guidance asking people to stick to a three household limit on indoor gatherings will also be lifted.

Before the statement, opposition parties and business groups called on sturgeon to ease restrictions more quickly. The Scottish Hospitality Group pointed to Scottish government research which suggested that the number of people visiting bars and restaurants has fallen while the number mixing in each other’s homes has risen.

It’s up to the public to change things in Ireland. If the politicians thought they’d lose their seats over these restrictions they wouldn’t be long changing their tune and speeding things up.

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This is probably a good summation of the whole thing really.

France’s education minister is facing calls to resign after it emerged he had announced a strict Covid-testing protocol for schools shortly before the start of the January school term while he was on holiday in Ibiza .


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Shhhhhh, don’t let the truth get in the way of a good yarn!

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I see that yesterday the UK recorded its highest daily death toll since last February, 438. But they were mild deaths, so it’s all good.

Tuesday’s figures, which are often higher due to a lag in reporting, saw a further 94,432 cases recorded in the UK.

On Monday, the UK reported 84,249 COVID cases and 85 deaths

How is Sweden getting on lads, there must millions dead there at this stage?

Nobody knows. We were getting daily updates from there at one stage, but then everyone over there died I think, so we don’t know what’s happening


So why is it the highest since last February? I’m genuinely impressed at the lengths lads here will go to to use coping mechanisms to dispute facts.

You can forget about Sweden

Because more people die of respiratory diseases in Winter than in summer.

Strange answer, I thought this wave was not happening? Now it is? Grand.

Happy to help

So is the wave happening or not?

Why are you inventing a straw man. You misrepresented data and got caught out yet again. Do better!

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