NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Are you saying they are correct now to be delaying reopening?

Tim is now concerned about care for the elderly in NZ. :joy::joy:

I’m posting about the problems with the NZ approach.

I’m sorry that goes a bit beyond your “70k at rugby games” level of debate.

Nobody said that.

You need to engage with what people actually type rather than some projection of your mind.

It’s clear enough that Western democracies were emboldened to engage in the mass social experiment of lockdowns having seen Communist China do it. It was never a tool in any pandemic playbook up to now.

Quarantine of people who were not infected nor vulnerable was driven by a desire of the medics to whom governing was outsourced to avoid any scrutiny of the actions they should and could have taken and instead to put the blame on the great unwashed for spreading the virus.


Lockdowns make the simpletons and rubes like @mikehunt feel safe because the Government is ‘doing something’. When actual data is examined outside the one narrow metric of supposed covid deaths the reasoning and narrative completely falls apart. The slow learners will eventually catch up.


China were first country to have the virus, the lockdowns, the social distancing, the masks and the mass manipulation of covid numbers.

It was incredible really that the west all more or less followed their lead.

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The death fetishists are triggered again.

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Yes ignoring fatalities during a global pandemic is absolutely the rational thing to do. Do you actually read what you post. ‘Actual data’ ffs :smiley::smiley:.

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You’ve completely missed various governments correcting their own stats on covid hospitalizations and deaths, I suppose?

Let me guess. No one died from Covid, they were old and would have died anyway? @TheUlteriorMotive mentioned that pearler earlier.

In the same way Jim Gavin’s tenure as Dublin manager was a disaster if you ignore the almost total lack of defeats, New Zealand has had a disastrous pandemic if you ignore the almost total lack of Covid deaths.

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They have completely destroyed their immune system, jabbing shit into their arms every 2 months, that is what is happening


Data processing error

Look. It was an experimental vaccine without any long term safety data. No-one said it was perfect (apart from the politicians, experts, journalists and @mikehunt )


It’s dawning on the stupid cunts in government in Israel now

Fauci is baffled. He should be battered

Punche’s Cross Limerick.

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Vaccines not worth a fuck say the boys in the know. The horse dewormer is the way forward. TFK science at its best.