NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Trump didn’t take this serious enough at the beginning

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He has a big chance of leading his population astray in regards to the seriousness of the Virus.

As stated by yourself numerous times, the virus first hit in Nov19 but Trump was more concerned with Iran etc until 3 weeks ago.

Correct, other than shutting down travel from China he did fuck all.

Same as every other politician in the western world, sadly. New York mayor and Health officials were telling people to get on with their lives, ride the subway, etc. in early February. NY paying the price now.

The first case was Nov 17 in Wuhan. As late as January 21, when the virus had already spread to most countries China and the WHO were telling everyone it couldn’t be spread from person to person like the flu. While allowing millions travel from China around the world.

Trump received intelligence reports as did Congress that this was potentially more serious in early February. Other than shutting down travel from China, he or they did nothing to prepare, nor did anyone else in the west who had the same information.

This has been a colossal failure by all western governments, first by trusting China to tell the truth, and more importantly failing to prepare for a pandemic like this.

You’re lying.

China informed the WHO in December 19 that they had found a coronavirus. Trump praised them on January 24th for their efforts and transparency.

It’s only since it’s become a shit show has he reversed his opinion and is now saying they covered it up and are masking numbers.

Hes a liar and you’re spreading his lies

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He has let his country down

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I don’t lie about this serious matter, you fucking idiot of a man.

If the WHO thought there was a serious problem they would have gone to China in late December or early January. They were not told it was a SARS type coronavirus they were told there were a small number of pneumonia type illnesses.

Why did the WHO not go to China until January 21? Because they believed the Chinese who were lying and covering up the outbreak.

Are you seriously suggesting China did not cover up this outbreak? If you are you should take a break from posting mate.

Nothing I have posted here since I opened the first thread on January 21 came from anything Trump said.

Now go fuck yourself moron.

It’s easy spot a liar, they lash out when you catch them

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As I said get fucked mate. I won’t be engaging with you again as you are clearly a moron.

Is that a promise? I don’t believe you

Correct for the US as a whole though the New York death rate is of a far higher magnitude.

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New York is a real worry, still below 2% morality but would expect that to rise in the coming week. New Orleans as well.

Trump is committing mass murder against his own people.

Look, we all know that Trump is an idiot and so are plenty in his administration, but I think some peoples bias make it easy for them to call out the US and ignore what’s happening in other countries. In the latest figures the number of deaths in the USA per one million population is almost identical to Ireland (both a shade under 4) . . . the following countries have a higher death rate than the US: Italy, Spain, Iran, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, UK, Sweden, Denmark, Curacao, Portugal, Iceland, Austria . . . lot of criticism for Trump and Boris (much of it deservedly so), but nary word about the Netherlands or Switzerland both with over 20 deaths per head of populations with Belgium up there too.


The Prime Ministers of the Netherlands and Switzerland haven’t called the virus a hoax, didn’t claim it would go away like a miracle, didn’t refuse to test, don’t reject science, and aren’t committing mass murder against their own people by deliberately witholding aid.

Anybody who isn’t extremely biased against Trump is a sociopath, same as anybody who wasn’t extremely biased against Hitler was the same.

Or Sweden who are actually going for herd immunity. By the judgement of certain posters on here, Stefan Lofven should be charged with murder. He’s a Social Democrat though, so get’s a pass.

Welcome to the forum, hopefully you can add a bit of sanity and balance.

We need much more Trump-Hitler comparisons. It’s the only one that correctly emphasises the true gravity of America’s problem.

Hi Sid

Hi Sid

Is sid back again