NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

He’s not bsck but he is back.

I probably should have emphasized that I meant bias against the US and the UK as nations. I would imagine that most people have a bias against Trump, myself included, and you will see in my comments that I said he and most in his administration are idiots – he is the worst leader America could have at this time. But it’s noticeable on most forums that the trend is the US = “Hot mess”, UK = Hot mess" while ignoring the “Hot mess” in many others countries

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I’ve no bias against the UK and US as nations. I’m biased against US and UK imperialism, most of their foreign policy, and their propensity to believe themselves as “great”, which is a problem intrinsically tied to the way they teach history in schools and the generalised myth making that arises from such.

Confirmation bias it’s called, everyone has it, you have to fight hard to overcome it.

Some don’t even know they have it, it’s all a bit sad really.

We have cultural and commercial links to both of those countries. Its not exactly rocket science that they would get scrutiny here. Almost everyone here will have someone belonging to them in America or England

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Interesting line this and I agree with you entirely in terms of the deliberate inaction of the british during the famine. We used to have one contrarian on here who lost all credibility when he argued profusely that it wasnt a genocide or deliberate action.


He was right too.

That’s an awful clamping.

Trumpbots genuinely do “think” he is a Hillary Clinton “deep state” plant :laughing:

Drew Harris basically saying they’re going to bust heads where needed


@johnnysachs is a deadly man for twisting the bayonet

Yeah but see the trick is you’re supposed to twist it in somebody else, not yourself.


Putin 101 - this is a tactic Johnson uses as well. Trump hates free speech, as all aspiring dictators do.

It needs to be done. The British army will boarding us in to the house monaday night because of the same brainless bastards

Welcome by the way.

While your point is a valid one, I believe that the likes of Spain , Italy , France and a few others recognise the trouble theyre in. The leaders of the u.k and the states are just walking from one blind alley into the other. They are focusing 95% on their economies and 5% on fighting g the virus. They are at best arrogant about the whole thing and at worst passive about the fate of their people. They assume that because of their power, firing money at it is going to solve the problem. Now economies will ,look after themselves. They will recover. Simply because it’s a global problem and not a local one. The U.K and U.S seem hell bent on being the first out of the blocks to recover financially rather than making sure their people are safe.


It’s due to the deep seated inferiority complex paddy has in relation to their former colonial masters in the Brits and the US being the pre-eminent power in global affairs. New age mick who has come through the celtic tiger and subsequently through the 2009 financial crisis loves to see themselves as modern liberals with the likes of the gay referendum seen as some ‘look at us we’re great’ revolutionary vote.

It’s ingrained in here, lads thinking they are edgy taking a swipe at boris or the dumb yanks etc. The reality is mick and oireland are light years behind both those places he loves to have a cut at and will continue to be a trend follower and essentially be at their mercy. But sure, listen, they’ll sit there in their Liverpool/Patriots jersey, clicking on their iPhone after coming home from a days desk jockeying at a US multinational in Grand Canal Dock, watching Netflix, drinking a Starbucks coffee and bang into forums like this bemoaning the US… Schmucks. You couldn’t make it up.

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Whatever about the states, Ireland is streets ahead of the u.k

I think this is a dangerous narrative Mike. I worked in a very successful organisation for years. They used to look down on their competitors regularly sneering at them and constantly sucked their own cocks. The lack of humility masked many deficiencies and they went unnoticed. Needless to say, a great fall in fortunes happened and for 10 years we lay in the doldrums while our competitors thrived. We have recently recovered due to an external managerial appointment who wasn’t infected by our toxic culture.
We are a great country but not because someone else is worse but because of what we are and we always can improve and learn from all countries.