NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

We’ve a tiny population too so it’s totally different. England has massive social issues long before this and trying to flick a switch and go into long down would have been very dangerous. In reality people have no idea who’s doing a good job or a bad job. There’s a randomness to this virus and some places are going to be hit much worse than others.

I don’t disagree but this notion that some of our own have about us been pure backward is ludicrous. Sure we can learn a lot from other countries even the u.k. But take the way they handled Brexit and now the way they’re handling this and we run rings around them.

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We got a huge warning from Italy and Spain. Imagine if Ireland was the first country it hit. I wonder how we would have coped…

I don’t know. But the u.k had as much of a warning and they made a pure balls of it. I mean even their press conferences up to last week were like a swingers party, telling people to stay 6 feet apart and they all on top of each other.

Very good post, I was thinking the exact same thing recently except I try to keep my interactions with Sid / Dziekanowski to a minimum.

  • Laissez faire during Covid 19 - genocide
  • Laissez faire during the famine / potato blight - laughable to suggest that this is genocide, only a fool could think ever think that.

The same poster also made a lengthy post lately captivating others who allow their opinions to be shaped by living up to their online personas or online feuds. The poster made clear however that this didn’t apply to him and he honestly believed everything he said. If this poster honestly believed everything they say perhaps this same poster might explain why laissez faire during Covid 19 amounts to genocide but laissez faire during potato blight/ great famine does not.


Well see in six months who made a balls of it and who didn’t. I’ve a feeling there’ll be very few people looking smart after it anyway.

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The Daily Mail be daily mailing

There’s a simple difference between the Irish famine and what Trump is doing that people are missing - the British government were slavish to a completely failed ideology, but didn’t specifically intend for people to die, whereas Trump genuinely does wish for many people to die.

Also Irish people were as much to blame for the deaths of Irish people as anybody. The Irish themselves generally didn’t give one fuck about others, as long as they were alright, Jack.

Maybe, but only time will tell.

It will indeed.

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515 reported dead by the US so far today.

It’s a hoax, they’ve got it completely under control, the number of cases is going to go down to 0 last week like a miracle.

Tomorrow’s Daily Mail front page has gone big on trying to blame China.

Blaming the EU, blaming Barnier, blaming China, blaming anybody with themselves.

Timothy Snyder’s thesis about the central characteristic of fascism being eternal victimhood - fake victimhood - was spot on.

The majority of posters here haven’t a notion how the US operates at Federal, State and local level. Bad as it is it’s nowhere near as bad as where you have a bunch of lads that went to Disneyworld once and are experts on all things US.

California has a population of 40 million, not that different to Spain or Italy in practical terms, with a spending budget of over $200 billion. Individual counties and cities within CA have their own budgets. The great majority of the response to this crisis is at the state and local level, the Fed would be asked for help if help is needed.

The measures announced in Ireland yesterday we have had since March 20th. We had less stringent measures for weeks before then, and efforts were in place to minimize transmission since a national health emergency was declared January 31. As of yesterday we had 4,643 cases and 101 deaths, those number will go up substantially obviously.

Similar enough events, an unseen pathogen that can kill you versus an unseen pathogen that kills your food supply. Either way it’s how we respond to it that matters, if we had the equivalent of the famine right now it would be the EU cutting off all medical supplies, medicine etc. to Ireland, and sending an army (OK that it doesn’t have) in to steal what we have.

Everybody knows how the US operates, except yourself, it seems.

The buck stops with one person, Trump.

There’s a reason you fell flat on your face and were banned from It’s because you can’t debate without shouting, insulting people or lying.

Utterly out of your depth.


You have a lot of anger.

You accept the first case in Wuhan was 17 November. By December the Chinese had told the WHO that they had a Coronavirus in Wuhan but you’re still not happy with that. Presumably it takes some time to figure out the exact nature of the virus, what family did it belong to, how was it transmitted, etc. We’re told to never ascribe to malice what can also be ascribed to stupidity. It seems that’s what you’re doing here.

Notwithstanding that the facts are highly open to interpretation, anyone who disagrees with your interpretation that it’s all a conspiracy is a moron, should stop posting, can go fuck themselves etc. You seem to want a medal for starting the thread.

You love the psychoanalysis. I’m sure you can see the tell-tale signs of sexual dis-satisfaction in your posts?

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I have a very healthy and active sex life mate, thanks for asking.

I have an issue with two posters in here, one is obvious, but this Sexface character has been slinging mud my way for weeks. I don’t claim to be an expert, but I have a reasonable understanding of both the history of this outbreak and it’s nature. Sorry but you are wrong, the Chinese did not tell the WHO they had a novel coronavirus in December, they told them they had some unusual cases of pneumonia. They were still claiming it could not be transmitted human to human in January 21, this was utter bullshit.

The genome was sequenced on January 1 by Chinese scientists, that information was not sent to the WHO. All the answers to your questions in terms of the nature of the virus are contained in the genome, including how it was likely to be transmitted.

I wouldn’t use the word malice either, I would use the words criminally negligent.


Send an SAE to Mr. Genome in Wuhan and he’ll write back with all the answers.

Hilary still hurts