NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Sweet jesus, please tell me there’s nobody this fucking stupid back home claiming similar nonsense

Apart from his grammatical mistake in calling maths “math”, yer man rightly skewers a few lads here.

Sometimes the problem is math. Sometimes it’s biology. Sometimes it’s economics. Sometimes it’s grammar. Sometimes it’s history. They’re all one package at a time like this.

Over and over again, I’m seeing a critical, life-and-death divide that doesn’t map neatly onto political ideology at all, but does seem to be about whether people possess a full suite of liberal arts literacies.

The errors that grownups on social media are making, often enough, come down to things like the inability to conceptualize percentages, to understand the semantic range of words like “flu,” or to recall any past models for mass mobilization other than wars—compounding each other.

This is exactly what the concept of a “liberal arts education” is about. It’s about how all kinds of different literacies, working together, make for resilient citizenship—the ability to participate in a society as a free and responsible member capable of making mature judgments.

I’ve often criticized the notion that either liberal arts education or deep study in the humanities will correct a warped value system. But the current crisis is an object lesson in what the former is good for, and why the latter belongs in it.

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London is about to become the Bergamo of England, they are building a temporary mortuary up the road in tooting as I type. Pray for for us. Boris is sending out a letter tomorrow to everyone. The worst is yet to come.

I’ll say a prayer and get my mam to do so also

This is exactly what Gemma O’Doherty is claiming at the moment. The whole thing is a hoax. Covid 19 is no more infectious than a normal flu. Over 90% of the dead in Italy would have died this year anyway. The hospitals are really empty. There’s a lot of footage of empty wards in Irish hospitals floating around social media at the moment. Some of this footage has been taken by right-wing conspiracy theorists sneaking in. I’m not sure what they think the point of the hoax is yet, maybe something to do with the vaccine.

I’ll light a candle for you later

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Fauci said this morning 200k possible deaths in US.

No, its all good. New York reporting 62 new cases today down from over 8 thousand yesterday. Its all in hand and a victory parade on the cards for Easter Sunday.

That or the person/people who gather the stats have fallen mysteriously ill!

New York has almost 50% of active cases in the US, it’s staggering.

North East is particularly fucked, Unfortunately Florida is now increasing exponentially also . Could be complete carnage regards mortality rates down there.

The viral load some of those working in hospitals are taking on must be huge.

Don’t know…London has a younger population and you don’t have ao many adults living with their elderly parents…but you do have the tube.

The scientific evidence to date suggests that increased doses don’t lead to more severe illness. I would have expected you to know this.

Actually the scientific evidence on this is inconclusive, there are conflicting studies.

What we do know is that a very high percentage of recorded cases involve people working on the front line.

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Conjecture. If that’s the basis for how you put forward your arguments, which by and large it Is, well then it explains why so many have stopped evening bothering to engage with you.

It’s not conjecture, the statistics support it conclusively.

Let’s see them so and not from one of your crackpot publications, reputable only thank you.

There you go m8 - though you probably think 25% is a small proportion.