NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Wrong interpretation of the word test? It’s a measure of how well they are set up to deal with infectious diseases, and their capacity to deal with high numbers of cases. Also a measure of how well governments can respond to ramp up capacity quickly. I think by and large governments are responding well.

Trump literally abolished America’s pandemic response unit.

What an absolute gobshite

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I think it’s more that a lot of their medical gear is shite anyway, the test kits sent to Italy didn’t work. If you’ve ever been to China they have several versions of the same products, from work well to don’t work at all.

That’s it. Same same but different would be their description.

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European countries have generally tested a lot more than the US. I can’t speak for the Swiss or the Belgians but by all accounts the Dutch seem to have gone more for the British laissez-faire approach, though not to same extent as the Swedes, who nobody knows what the fuck are at.

The Yanks are simply at an earlier stage (at least by published results) in their outbreak than Europe, through sheer dumb luck. People have and should have a visceral dislike of Trump because he’s a fucking monster and has a proven history of not just doing the wrong thing but doing the wrong things precisely because they are the wrong things to do, because he wants to destroy America for his own benefit and the benefit of other monstrous scumbags.

The same logic that says Trump is doing a good job in his response says that African countries are doing a superb job and are super prepared, given their relative paucity of published cases. I doubt there are too many who really think that.

On one of my trips to Shanghai, I forgot my gym gear and asked a lad I was working with could I buy some locally. He took me to a local market at lunch, it was an eye opening experience. The first question was what brand do you want (they are all fake), followed by what quality do you want.

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About this rating

This is most unexpected, Trump said the virus would go away like a miracle, and you’d have thought that would definitely be the case for evangelicals above anybody given they have a hotline to God. Nobody could have seen this coming.

People keep bandying around figures so here’s the latest official from over here

Of a pop. just shy of 626k
c 14,000 tested - just over 2%
c 2,000 infected
21 rip

also, sales of cocaine and heroin have plummeted

Sales of weed and deliverooo therough the roof

Trump is up

The Donald is coming up with new cures every few days. Some man.

Big divergence in UK and US approaches now apparant. Boris had some shrill out today saying buckle up for 6 months, Trump is encouraging people to keep going out to restaurants/pubs etc, a use 'em or lose em approach

We will be well on our way to recover by June 1st says President Trump

Trump has just announced Easter has been delayed until at least April 30th or maybe June 1.

Stop lying.

It has been apparent for nearly two weeks. The 250k dead figure was a massive dose of boiling water over the heads of the Tories and they’ve gone for the full caring socialist playbook since then becasue they knew they had to to survive.

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Trump accusing NYC hospitals of hoarding equipment

Hes getting all set for the Christmas

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