NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Stop lying, he said they are disappearing out the back door.

Thats what he said

Trump now accusing Doctors of lying about the numbers

Trump making a holy show of himself here

Trump thanking reporter for planted questions now

He just said he first heard about potentially 2.2 million Americans dead today, that was the Imperial College study that he saw March 12, which prompted the original 3 weeks of social isolation.

The guy who wrote this tweet is the CBS News White House correspondent.

This is a textbook example of how not to report. US media is so fucking supine and so shit for giving false credence to the ravings of a madman.

Mark Knopfler would do a far better job reporting. US journalism is in dire straits alright and the lizard in the White House is giving himself money for nothing.

He’s rattled that he can’t go to mass on Easter Sunday.

Trump getting ratty now to reporters who’s questions not planted

He’s too diseased to be a rat.

Trump losing the plot now #benice

Trump struggling now with the difference between ventilators and generators now

Trump refusing to answer questions now

Dr Birx better keep an eye out for buses

Political access journalism is the lowest form of journalism, every reporter there is meek and supine as hell becasue they fear losing access. Ratings drive advertising. Trump drives ratings. Trump drives misery for ordinary Americans. The whole thing is a logical free market dystopian pyramid of shit.

Real journalists would read the fucking riot act to this joker with real, hostile questions, followed up consistently. Real journalism would only direct questions to Fauci. Real journalism would involve the networks grouping together to boycott this shitshow as long as it’s used to spread disinformation which is highly dangerous to public health.

Why is everyone so preoccupied with models?
TFK has long figured out they are useless.

How the fuck did they elect trump it’s like a piss take :joy:

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Democrats ran Hillary, it’s that simple.

He has turned his back on his hometown now too, accusing them of hoarding and lying

At least Trump allows questions, not like Boris