NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

You can allow questions when you have no intention of answering any of them.

Trump congratulating himself for preventing 2.2million deaths now

Any word from Boris since he announced his diagnosis?

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Tremendous suicides

Trump predicting massive mental depression now

Trump accusing reporters quoting him directly now of Fake news

It’s a waste of time question anyway, what answer does he expect Trump to give there

It is box office watching this absolute clownshoe go at it every day :laughing:

An honest one

Carlow will win Liam first

Trump blaming the democrats and CNN for Covid19 now

What the fuck are they asking about ratings for?

Trump saying now hes gonna make a lot of money out of this crisis

The fucking state of these reporters. As soon as Trump opens his mouth they stop. Talk the fuck over him, keep talking over him, be hostile as fuck, tell him he’s murdering Americans, that’s what you do.

Vincent Browne would have chewed the cunt up and spat him out.

We’re getting the accurate word out.

Trump claiming credit for boosting networks ratings now, saying he’s bigger than MNF and even the Batchelor Finale, he has a point here in all fairness

He responds in kind, talks over them and keeps it up like the child he is until he gets the last word in, whatever it may be. it’s how he wins.
He is a moron but it looks like Bannon’s main lesson stayed with him - flood the zone with shit.


They call it the gish gallop.

Oh, I love his tnh stories