NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

By god. Pray for New York. It’ll get very grim there.

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Fucking hell… that’s brutal.

Can they move acute cases to hospitals outside NYc to help alleviate capacity issues?

Surely there are places with capacity, they could transport people on army medical planes?

At least two of Biden’s grandchildren don’t think he’s the man for the job

I suppose they are giving priority to those that have the best chance or some chance of survival. Must be horrendous.

I thought this sort of stuff only happened in China? :smile:

They have a floating hospital with 1,000 beds and another place called the Javits Centre with 1,200 beds I think.

As of last night Trump was denying approval for these places to be used for COVID patients. I see he’s just allowed the Javits Centre be used in the last hour.

With a surname like Castro, that lad is on a hiding to nothing

His brother was a presidential candidate during the primaries and comes across as extremely able and smart, which a lot of the 987 candidates didn’t do.

Able + Smart != Votes

Fixed that for you

The captain of the US aircraft carrier that is riddled with Covid19 has been relieved of his duties due to criticism he leveled at the top navy officials for their handling of the issue.

Waging “war” by sitting on his fat orange hole eating Cheetos and watching Fox News.

It might be a joke but nobody’s laughing.

It’s not happening because Trump is happy to let hundreds of thousands die. And Fauci knows that full well.

To be fair it’s a tough call for him whether to be honest about why a federal lockdown is not happening or have some Trump-worshipping freak blow his head off with a gun.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, joined CNN’s town hall Thursday to discuss the novel coronavirus pandemic.

Fauci said he believes that there should be a federally mandated stay-at-home order, something President Donald Trump has been loathe to do.

“I don’t understand why that’s not happening. As you said, the tension between federally mandated versus states rights to do what they want is something I don’t want to get into. But if you look at what is going on in this country, I do not understand why we are not doing that. We really should be,” Fauci said.

My cat is 1000 times smarter than Jared Kushner, the thickest, most useless cunt to ever set foot in Washington. Kushner makes Kevin O’Keeffe look like Clement Attlee. Kuhsner is like an Air B ‘n’ B in Dublin during this crisis. Completely vacant.

Nepotism doesn’t work.

The Strategic National Stockpile ( SNS ) is the United States’ national repository of antibiotics, vaccines, chemical antidotes, antitoxins, and other critical medical supplies. When state, local, tribal, and territorial responders request federal assistance to support their response efforts, the stockpile ensures that the right medicines and supplies get to those who need them most during an emergency.

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In the military mate the way to get attention is not running to the media. In the not so old days he’d be shot.

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Only in China, eh.

Maybe instead of standing there gormlessly clapping health workers, right-wing politicians might ensure they don’t get sacked for speaking up about the conditions they have to work in. Maybe they might fund the health services better, maybe they might ensure that health workers don’t in future ever again have to work in conditions that threaten their lives. I guess that would be too much to ask though.

684 deaths in the UK

NYC rates of infection

How does Sidney keep going posting all day? Some stamina.