NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

@Dziekanowski would prefer the right wingers to pump billions into healthcare rather than ask his commie pals to stop eating bats and pangolins.

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That’s largely irrelevant. They weren’t testing February so there could have been way more than that.


An idiot, we are testing over 100k a day now and probably 100 a day back on February 29th.

They’ve been promising us an anti body test for weeks now but we don’t seem any closer.

A very important part of the puzzle will be a few thousand of these done amongst a random groups of people around the world to get a real sense of where we are in each country

This is the maddest fucking sentence you’ll read all day from Hancock. Nobody has a test that works, but we’ve put in orders for loads of different ones in the hopes somebody will figure it out. It sounds like absolute carnage in the medical buying market at the minute. I’d say you could sell any old shite at all

“On the G7 call earlier it was clear that no G7 country has found a home antibody test that works,” he said.

“But we continue to search for one [and] we are putting the orders in so should they work we can get them in the UK.”

Agreed, but that fucking weirdo Cummings has been running the country from day 1. Boris just enjoys the kudos.
Pair of utter cunts.
They’ve managed, somehow, to find a cohort of even thicker people to man the chairs on the front bench.

The FDA have just authorized the first antibody test, made by Cellex. I’d say it will be a while before there’s mass testing though.

The COVID Rush?

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I have it on good authority that the current situation in the UK is a stain on the govt.
The ICU 's normal procedures, which are to sedate patients as lightly as possible are out the window. Deep sedation all round. Unfortunately, this policy is being hampered as they are already running out of the normal sedatives, and sliding down the tree, and are now staring at having to use ketamine.
There is beginning to be a slight alarm about oxygen supplies. The preferred method is oxygen support with a system called CPAP, which I think stand for something like constant positive airways pressure. This uses more oxygen than full ventilation but has better results overall.
The current ethos is put them deeply asleep, intubate and ventilate, keep them dehydrated (current rates of renal failure due to this are running as high as 30%), and leave them til they recover or die. That’s a 50/50.
The upshot is don’t catch it badly.
There isn’t enough equipment already to perform haemofiltration, which looks to help but can’t be done.
Fwiw, both smoking and ecigarettes seem to significantly worsen the prognosis, so everyone please pack that in.


It’s reckless for a journo to put that out their. He’s Like Ewan.

Totally corrupt and immoral. There will be a price to pay for this.

There should be a price to pay for it, the problem is, who’s going to enforce it?

Corruption these days is carried out with impunity, because the nakedly corrupt hold the levers of power in nearly all of the most influential countries.


But can you imagine falling into a K-hole and you on a ventilator in ICU.

I went absolutely mad at a story a week or so. There is a company in Germany developing a vaccine and Trump tried to buy it up so that the US had a vaccine for itself. Trump could then say the US was the first with a vaccine and also hold the other countries to ransom paying for it. Like an international version of Martin Shkreli, vicious profiteering.

That was the only time since he’s been elected that I really lost my temper with Trump because ordinarily my opinion of him is so low that he cant disappoint me.


I’d imagine when this is over America whose number of friends/allies throughout the world has been in decline with this regime may find themselves pretty much friendless if they continue to fuck over fairly stable countries who give them a bye ball often.

I wouldn’t believe for a second that the gazumping of supplies is being done by individual Yanks. For me, this is inspired at the top level. It has the fingerprints of “The Art of the Deal” all over it.

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Yes. Exploitation and disaster capitalism on an international scale.

The Chinese are at it too with the PPE but what the Yanks are at is probably worse because at least the Chinese genuinely make the PPE and up to a point there are natural laws of supply and demand.

Indeed. “Up to a point”.

So the question really is what is more important; the laws of economics or human decency?

Maybe, just maybe, at the end of all this the laws of economics will have been shown to be inadequate.

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I see this thread has been infiltrated by the commies as well. The US sent huge quantities of PPE to China when they were suffering in February, and we had a Cork weirdo complaining about that as well.

The story about the German vaccine company is a lie @tank, they denied it publicly.


Take one shot of vodka.

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