NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19


Never mind other countries, Trump is shamelessly fucking his own people over. Sure look last night at that idiot Kushner sent out to whitewash not releasing the federal stockpile of medical and protective equipment- which is explicitly meant for a situation such as this - it even says so on the official US Government page explaining the federal stockpile - well it did until today, when they erased the relevant text that said so.

That right there is shameless and senseless denial of vital medical and protective equipment to US citizens and US healthcare workers.

You have to go back to the political situation. Russia and China are in alliance. Russia’s number one aim is to absolutely destroy the US as a respected actor on the international stage, to destroy the post World War II order. China would be quite happy with that too because it’s the obvious country to gain should the US decline in world prestige.

There really is no other credible explanation of what’s going on other than Trump is being controlled by the Russians. As far as I can see he’s been cultivated by them for decades, it goes back to USSR times. The sheer maliciousness of his intent cannot be ignored. It’s not incompetence. It’s maliciousness.

Did you bother to read that article?

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Yes. I see you left out the paragraph where the deputy CEO Haas said there was and there is no offer from Trump. Look mate, you are free to believe what you read in the media and interpret it whatever way you like. I have no doubt the US government would approach any company on the planet working on a vaccine, but if the suggestion is the intent is to keep it solely for US use, I’d like to see some evidence for that claim.

There is a subset of the US media who consistently peddle false narratives, and frequently outright lies, (based of course on anonymous sources), in their efforts to fight the good fight against all things Trump. It’s easy enough to spot them if you pay attention.

I just showed you the evidence but you

Haas is the guy who

Yes mate, allies are going to fall out with the US over Covid… as opposed to China, who have in fact fucked the world over. Take off the blinkers will you.


He’s wheeling out all the greatest hits tonight. But there’s no conviction, no oomph, in the performance. You can tell even he doesn’t believe his own bullshit at this point.

I bet anything this lad thinks it’s a bioweapon.

I just love China truthers.

As I said you can choose to believe what you want. The only ones who know the truth are whoever was involved in the conversation, assuming there was one. Neither German politicians nor the outside investor were involved in the conversation, yet you choose to believe their version over the lad who was in the conversation.

I’m not even saying Trump isn’t capable of this, I’m saying don’t believe all you read.

Forgetting that all this medical stuff needed in the West is made in China to begin with, and the only one who even raised bringing any manufacturing back home was Trump, something Europe scoffed at.

There’s nothing as queer as folk.

We’re not allies with fckn Chi-na you fckn idiot

The problem is you have zero critical filters to decipher what’s real and what isn’t, or what’s questionable.

For example, you literally believe every single piece of propaganda you read from the Epoch Times or whatever Falun Gong-sponsored propaganda vehicle you read.

Because it suits your political ideology, which is already based on batshit crazy ideas which don’t hold up in the real world.

Germany apparently is now a purveyor of propaganda and bullshit, says you. They were the first country you singled out above all others where you claimed COVID results were being falsified.

For somebody who says he doesn’t support Trump, you have a funny habit of running with Trump’s fake narrative on every single news story or issue.

who can’t explain himself.

You also ignore don’t offer any explanation for the abrupt departure of CEO Daniel Menichella (a US citizen) who was also in the conversation.

You’re saying America’s allies are going to seriously fall out with them due to alleged gazumping of supplies - I think they’re going to have a bigger problem with the one party regime who have caused this meltdown - you absolute clown.

Coincidence, pure coincidence!

I’d hate to live in a country that has just left a major trading bloc and is putting it’s eggs in the USA’s basket. Oh fuck I do


That’s a great way of putting it. The international community is generally not anti-American, it’s anti-Trump and his regime.

Yeah, you’d have had better luck in Italy, right? Very lucky indeed.

4 hours notice