NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

FFS, we know China has China’s interests and only China’s interests at heart. “The Free World” are supposed to be allies and work together. Who would you hate most; your sworn enemy or your friend who stabbed you in the back?

I wonder how MSNBC can spin this into a negative.

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Maybe they’ll wait and see if it happens before doing anything.
Is the WSJ reputable nowadays?


Well he just confirmed it will happen.

In fairness it’s going to have same effect as heavy sedation i.e. you wake up days later not knowing where you are or how you got there

I think you’re being naive. I have direct experience of looking to source testing reagents and getting feedback that US companies have been told not to export outside the US

I’m not sure I’d be considered a commie by board standards

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Are you suggesting if the US needs said reagents for testing urgently, they should be exporting them right now?
After the US government being vilified for the past month for not doing enough testing?
Now that’s being naive.

The WSJ is the most reputable of the US national print media, Washington Post is decent as well.

I was only pointing out that your narrative that it was inconceivable that this US administration could act in a nativist and tone-deaf way was horseshit.

Except I never made that point. I even said Trump was capable of it (trying to get hold of the German vaccine), but would like to see actual proof, as opposed to I read it in the papers.

Have you read in the papers that the US are restricting exports of some goods?

No, but wouldn’t be surprised.


I reckon somebody will shoot him before the election. The man doesn’t give a fuck.


Good god.

Terrible carry on if true. Is Benjamin a good source I wonder?

Well, they’re owned by Rupert Murdoch and they endorsed Bolsonaro, so I’ll leave it up to the reader to decide what sort of a paper it is.

I asked because I could have sworn they were called The Failing Wall Street Journal.

Their hard news reporting is reputable. Editorially they’re a disgusting right-wing mouthpiece.