NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Definitely looks to be fizzling out.

Would assume this is consistent with a lot of countries including our own in terms of testing figures.
In that figures published are completely reliant on the efficiency of systems and subsequently administrative functions in how and when data is made available. They ve gone to massive length here to explain that process doesn’t happen in real time.
They also seem to be jumping on the effect this has on front end data presumably because it’s more sensational but conversely at the back end then you would expect a point in time when X Deaths are reported when the real time figure is zero.

they aren’t worth a fuck anyway

Unimaginable disaster.

Man dear

Both sides

The Germans should open fire.

Over 700 dead in tan land. Mortality rate now at 10%.
Rule Britannia

They’re trying everything they can

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No surprise that the Welsh are the first to crack.


Has this kind of thing been happening anywhere else? I have only seen it mentioned in the UK.


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For those who blame Trump solely for the COVID-19 outbreak in the US, and say he should have listened to the experts, here is Dr Fauci being interviewed on January 21st. This is the Dr Fauci who was advising Trump, and who everyone is now saying should have been listened to. Coincidentally January 21 was the same day that @labane1917 opened the original COVID-19 thread on TFK warning of a potential pandemic.

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Jaysus, poor @labane1917 is taking his continuing evisceration on this thread really badly. Now he’s turned against Fauci :smile:

Deep state plant, deep state plant!

The absurdity of all this is gone beyond Father Ted levels. It might as well be President Alex Jones at this stage.

“What do you have to lose? What do you have to lose?” Trump said from the White House podium. “Take it.”

Em, their lives, mate.

There are a few posters here who badly need to read the first paragraph of this. Hell, even the first two sentences would educate them no end.

When the lockdown is lifted, will the virus return? Of course it will. Matt Hancock has said we will do 100,000 tests each day by the end of April, but Britain still doesn’t have a way to control the virus that goes beyond lockdown. Without a proper programme of community surveillance and contact tracing, we won’t stop the spread of coronavirus. As patients pour into hospitals again, a series of national lockdowns will follow. It’s a pattern that could go on for years – until we have a vaccine.