NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

This timeline and yours are vastly different

How is it different?

The first case is now known to have been around November 17. By mid December people were dying in Wuhan and several doctors had raised the alarm and were silenced. It had spread to every China province by January 21. Wuhan was put on lock down on January 27. Chinese New year was the weekend of January 27.

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you’d want your examined to believe anything coming out of China

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The world has to get together after this and hold China accountable. By the time they admitted there was a problem it was already on its way to every country on the planet. Unless a potential pandemic like this is stopped at source you are fighting a very difficult battle.


Yes, when this is all over they will have to sort their shit out. But for now they need to send us aids.

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We have that already.

We need more.

More Aids? Hardly.

The Chinese and their primitive ways need to be taught a lesson after this

Is there any chance this has been blown out of proportion and the wolves gym bunnies and spring breakers will have fuck all effect on anyone really??

No, it’s spreading like wildfire and young people by and large are the ones doing the spreading. They believe they are immune but the evidence suggests a percentage of young people, even if it is small, will get very sick.

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The main issue is the secrecy of the government and the clampdown on free speech. You won’t change culture overnight but the Chinese govt need to be seriously challenged. They put their economy over the world’s health for a month or more.


If I hear one more ape on social media say “its only a cold” I’ll go mental

Other governments did the same even after they had warnings from wuhan and Italy for fuck sake. Trump called it a hoax and johnson still had the schools open.

Cheltenham went ahead while people were dying in italy and Atletico fans were in Liverpool while people had died from it in Spain

I hear there is still lads in the some pubs in Ireland?

That’s what I said earlier, western governments didn’t take it seriously, even though the evidence was staring them in the face since late January.

That doesn’t change the fact that China is the main problem here, these pathogens are all starting there and they are allowing them spread and get outside their borders, by which time it is too late. They did the same thing with SARS.


@labane1917 can’t explain why the US has belatedly had to go cap in hand to Italy of all places to get testing kits.

Thank fuck it started in China.

The rest of the World has had approx a 4 week lead in to this and royally fucked it up.

Trump and Johnson have been covering it up for months and if it broke out in their countries , they still would be

Was the Chinese New Year not 25 January?

is it ok to order a Chinese lads, I’ve very little in