NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Flo & Rida



Most revolutionary movements throughout history have been the same. They all had their hands on the trigger, thing is the trigger had to be pulled by events more powerful than themselves.
France, - the Enlightenment
Russian Revolution, - WWI
US War of Independence, - Impearlism
US today, - Covid

Hispanics are lovely people mate, it’s the SoCal crackers we have an issue with.

How high are you at the moment?

Never mind that, why is the West coast laughing at NYC?

Miami voted for it.

I think it might be just a tad early in the day to be talking about long term effects of this. It could be anything

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What evidence do you have for that other than the voices in your head?

I watch the Trump and Cuomo adresses every night

You missed Flo R Ida, west Limerick

We need to plan for the aftermath of the Lazarus rising.

Depends what you mean by hospital. Might be the private wing of a spa type facility.
In fact, however, the sudden crash in younger people tends to come about 7 days after diagnosis, and if ventilated, the average Joe has a 50/50 survival rate. Boris will get better care ,so probably higher, but being overweight is a poor prognostic factor I’m told

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Does he smoke?

Both arrogant and racist New Yorkers mate.

I was going to say hopefully, but there’s a decent chance he’s seriously unwell as any sane person would avoid hospital if at all possible.

Its just disappointing that the rest of the US has turned their backs on New York in their hour of need. There’s a real ‘I’m alright Jack’ feel to most states responce while New York is busy building pop up morgues

I’ve just told you we’ve sent hundreds of our best front line fighters mate, you can choose to believe what you want though from watching CNN.

Do you watch Gov Cuomo at all? He is absolutely pleading for help every single night, it’s uncomfortable viewing maybe thats why you don’t watch but bar a little help from Oregon they have gotten nothing from the wealthy West coast. That will never be forgotten

No, Cuomo is just anti-trumping. Playing politics, disgusting. NY got all they needed, had more than they needed, tremendous out the back-dooring going on. Someone should investigate.