NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Have they the balls though

Bodybags are lining the streets of New York and the Cali’s rather worry about the smell of a pound than protect their own

Cuomo has had ten years as New York governor to prepare for a pandemic, and did fuck all. He is getting massive help from the Federal government, other states are also helping out.

Log off for another week, you won’t be missed.

Another hateful cunt, this thread is sure a collection of them.

It’s really killing you that the death toll in the US isn’t higher, isn’t it.

Oof, salty tonight aren’t we.

Trump business enterprise must have a serious stake in cold city morgues, otherwise you’d swear he was caught, ever so a little, off guard himself

Everyone was caught off guard mate, how well prepared were Spain and Italy? Maybe you should start an Italian and Spanish thread to take a shot at Conte and Sanchez?

Anyone taking constant potshots at a time like this is basically a hate filled cunt. I’m actually embarrassed to be from the same county as you. Although now that I think of it, any scum I knew in Galway were all from inside the city border.

Make your mind up lad, either everyone was caught off guard or they weren’t so why, if not arrogance, are you decrying Cuomo?

I’ve consistently said everyone in the west was caught off guard. No exceptions. In the US, both the federal government and state governments were caught off guard. In western Europe, every government.

Do you have an example of a country that was well prepared?

You’re talking to a bottom feeder mate, his ‘quips’ are the lamest attempts of wummery you’ll find here. The king of cringe

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Ireland is an example to the rest of the world. I would have thought. Why accuse Cuomo if you absolve the rest?

I wouldn’t bother talking to him if he wasn’t from Galway. You’d have a small bit of hope that he’s redeemable.

Wummery is not what I’m about agreed

Ireland? The Ireland that had no travel restrictions in place until after March 17th, allowed thousands attend Cheltenham, allowed Dublin be swamped by Italian visitors in early March, send a huge delegation to the US for Paddy’s day, sent hundreds of nurses into the firing line with no PPE? I have a lot longer list if you want it.

That Ireland? Cuomo is as guilty as Trump for being unprepared. Trump is guilty, Fauci is guilty, the CDC is guilty. Do you want me to list everyone who dropped the ball?

Your hope is arbitary, Trump 'never saw it coming, Cuomo, ‘had ten years to prepare’, which is it?

You’re a poor man’s Sid mate, which is about as bad as it gets.

Had ten years to prepare for something they never saw coming. That’s what crisis management is all about mate.

Sniping won’t hide the fact you’re not addressing the point

So Trump gets a pass but everyone else should have known what was coming, I see

Nope. Trump should have listened to the intelligence reports in January who were warning him, as should the intelligence committee of the House (they were too busy with impeachment to worry about pandemics). As should every other western leader who had the same information as @labane1917 when he started the original thread. Instead they listened to the CCP liars and the useless cunts at the WHO who said there was nothing to worry about.

Stick around, you might learn something, eventually.