NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

What is your point?

Who, other than @labane1917, was prepared for a pandemic and warning one was imminent?

Trump? Nope. Any western leader? Nope. The WHO? Nope. The CCP? Nope. Leo? Nope.

Any ideas?

Yeah. @anon7035031 for world dictator. He knows.

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If only they had listened.


I wouldnt see a whole lot of general reaction to Americans on this, but one I did see was when Adam Schefter reported on Tom Dempseys death and how he suffered from Alzheimers and something else and then contracted Covid 19 and died. The amount of abuse he was getting then for FAKE NEWS and how he was scaremongering people by saying he died from Corona virus. I couldnt believe it. the reaction to that in comparison to elsewhere when it is announced someone had died as a result, albeit the majority with underlying health conditions, but I got the feeling that people there dont think this is really a problem. Now granted, most people who feel the need to comment on twitter or facebook and particularly those who scream FAKE NEWS are general dumb cunts anyway. But I was surprised by it. I’m sure thats not the feeling everywhere, but is it a case of supporters of Trump looking at this as a political battle and downplaying the whole thing?


America is fucked in the head. People there have gotten to the point where if they don’t like the news they just don’t believe it.


That’s fairly interesting as many countries are now reporting deaths due to the virus as opposed to people who die but have tested positive for the virus. Imo the latter is fairly important. It is obviously all optics.

If you watched cnn or Fox News that isn’t surprising.

The Scousers are losing it

Map of corona virus outbreak or map of 5G coverage…


BTW anyone else’s phone coverage gone to fuck the last few weeks? Are they burning down masts over here as well?

@labane1917 why did you delete all your posts on on Saturday, or were you just banned for multiple accounts? :smile:

Pity, I was really enjoying the contributions of “Bayman81”, they were much more like the flaming Joe McCarthy type rants we get here than the relatively vanilla and frustrated ramblings of “DreamsBurnDown”.

I’m “pixelburp” over there, by the way.

This is very good. It’s about One America News Network, a North Korean TV channel that is almost American-style in its propaganda and creepy glorification of their “dear leader”. Woops, got that bit the wrong way around, easy mistake to make.

There’s a chap called Graham Ledger featured who would fit in very well here. His catchphrase is “even when I’m wrong, I’m right”. I loved the bit where he films himself walking around a shopping centre car park looking for a place to get a haircut and says it’s act of anti-Nazi resistance. He’s such a hero. I’m convinced, anyway. We cannot let COVID-19 win. And the way we do not let it win is by everybody gping out there, looking for it, getting it and beating it. Yeah.

Muslims are much more charitable people than Christians and they’ve banned usuary as well. A great socialist religion.

Its a pity about the whole trying to kill or convert the rest of us, but sure the crusades were the same I suppose

the 1400’s were a savage time in Spain, I have a great interest in it. Andalusia is probably my favourite place to go. Driving them barbarians out was one of the greatest moments of the catholic church

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Wouldn’t it be ironic if the tiger caught it from eating an uncooked human. Almost as if the virus came full circle


No mate, people who watch the networks during prime time and believe their horseshit are fucked in the head. That’s a total of about 3.3 million people a night or 1% of the population. The networks have no interest in the truth, they are solely interested in maintaining their ratings.

The rest of us are fine.

I’ve bad news for you mate. You are as mad as a box of spiders


You’re just seething I nominated @TreatyStones to moderate the disussion.