NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Sure I am @TreatyStones


My wifi has gone to shit. The internet is at breaking point.

Tony Lloyd is one of the real good guys, even if he supports Manchester United. Get well Tony.

Same as that.

Wi-fi and life have now become perfectly interchangeable words.

It’s only allowed within a perimeter of your house

Are ya goin’ for a pint? now means co-ordinating trips to the shop for milk with drinking buddies.

I just saw one of my pals there, a maths teacher in Aldi doing the weekly shop he said. He has four daughters at home.
His shopping trolley had 48 bottles of beer an at least 8 bottles of red wine in it.

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Or the lockdown wasn’t needed, but they’ll never ever say that.

I think lock down was needed for a period. Just so we could learn more and give the front line staff a chance. I sometimes get my posters mixed up but I hope you and the family are well.

Thanks mate. We’re all good. Same to you. Looking forward to being back at each others throats as normal life resumes.
Fwiw, I suspect you are right, but I’m by no means certain.
Trouble is, whatever happens now, the lockdown will be said to have worked, either in bringing deaths down, or keeping them under control. We’ll likely never know.

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I’m not I’m determined to become a better person from now on.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

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They deliver Maths lessons in Aldi now?


They do, if I buy seven bottles of wine, and four cans of extra strong Dutch lager, how much change will I have from a fiver?

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The very definition of the swamp.

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That’s fairly clutching at straws there. Sure every company in the US has them bribed in some shape or form

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You clearly don’t understand the moral issues surrounding doctors prescribing Plaquenil for COVID-19.

Doctors in India and other tropical countries that have a high incidence of malaria horse it into their populations as a preventative measure. This is morally acceptable, as it prevents deaths from malaria.

Some doctors are giving it in small doses to very sick COVID-19 patients in the US to try and save their lives. This is morally repugnant and they should be struck off the register.

…or something, something.


Why do you want them struck off the register?

I presume it’s down to your utter hatred of working people?