NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Doesn’t matter, you’re loaded anyway?

Boris in icu according to BBC news

We’ll have lots of questions about PPE for you later in the week so pay attention yourself in there :+1::sunglasses:

@iron_mike on meds posting last year was a highlight so we’ll look forward to more of the same


Jaysus. It doesn’t take any prisoners once it grabs hold

Herself said that the only reason he’d go into hospital was if he likely needed ventilation in the first place
He’s being canonised already.
That blithering arrogant fuckwit raab is now in charge.

Only slightly better than 50:50.
Less than that if he wasn’t the pm.
Loads of people out today in the sun, and traffic creeping back up.
Numbers in ICU are currently stable though I’m told but there’s about a 7 day lag between catching it and crashing.
In all seriousness I wish Johnson well in this, and this only. It must have been terrifying for him.

He got his math right as some might say

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That 50:50 number must be massively skewed by the fact that something like 85% of elderly patients don’t make it if they get put on a ventilator (Chinese data for what it’s worth). Would be interesting to see data for his age bracket.

I would wager he will make it and his poll numbers will shoot up.

I’m sure Mrs @flattythehurdler was taking this circumstance into account without without going into mean, median and mode ffs.

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If you don’t know the answer, let someone who knows the answer, answer.

I am saying that the 50 50 is been given with bojos age profile and his perceived health. You just want to go down the road of your normal shite

Give us a source for that 50:50 data.

Mrs @flattythehurdler. Doesn’t come much higher than that.

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I’m sure Mr. @flattythehurdler will confirm if true.

I’m looking at repatriation towards the end of the week
@Batigol is there anything going into to Shannon? Jesus there’s only one flight going from Gatwick into Dublin every day from what I can see

I don’t know much about Shannon. I’d say get on a flight asap to Dublin. The UK is in serious trouble

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I don’t want to die

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London is riddled with it. I won’t go outside the door now

Would you be able for 2 weeks quarantine?

I’d do that on my head, I have the uncles place in Carron waiting for me