NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Safe enough spot up there I’d imagine.

Make sure you self-isolate when you arrive back

You’ve obviously never been to Carron, you can’t avoid self isolation.

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I have a house in the middle of nowhere to stay. My only problem is getting from Dublin airport to Clare, is there trains stills going or buses. I don’t have aids. yet.

Weird that the first thing that comes into your head as the Prime Minister lies in intensive care is making money off the outcome.

Capitalism at its very worst.

50/50 sounds about right…

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He’s a lot closer to 50 than 70 though, so I would say closer to 70:30 than 50:50.
Unless he has heart disease?

No idea if he has any illnesses, he obviously doesn’t look the healthiest at the best of times.

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They’re saying he isn’t on a ventilator. Let’s wait for clarity before burying the chap

She said that ICU is predominantly full of overweight men. She says it’s really sad, but they were all the same shape, and thinks obesity must be a significant risk factor. The decision whether to ventilate or note is being made before anybody arrives in ICU, so it may be that the frail are simply not being ventilated.
People are ventilated face down, and it’s usually two weeks before an attempt can be made to wean them off.

I have bad news for you mate.

He’s obese. I’d say 50/50 would be spot on if he was an average Joe. He’s the pm so his odds are undoubtedly better.

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An estimated additional 180 - 195 deaths per day occurring at home in New York City due to COVID-19 are not being counted in the official figures. " Early on in this crisis we were able to swab people who died at home, and thus got a coronavirus reading. But those days are long gone. We simply don’t have the testing capacity for the large numbers dying at home . Now only those few who had a test confirmation before dying are marked as victims of coronavirus on their death certificate. This almost certainly means we are undercounting the total number of victims of this pandemic, " said Mark Levine, Chair of New York City Council health committee [source]

You wouldn’t be in ICU if you weren’t being ventilated.
If he’s in ICU, he’s on a ventilator. If he’s in high dependency, he may be on CPAP, which is one step down.

@Horsebox had an old deep sea diving suit with a helmet he could lend to you for the train. Has the CE mark and all.

Will I get onto Griffin ref his helicopter?

@anon7035031 @Dziekanowski what sort of military would China have? Like would they’ve have a couple of million lads ready to fight or those that sort of thing interest them? I presume they are into the weapons of mass destruction as well.

Savage. Obviously far more troops than anyone, plenty nukes, aircraft carriers, navy, etc.

And a few sneaky wesponsvpeople don’t know about.

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Hypersonic? Yep, Russia and US as well.