NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

The US had almost 2k yesterday had they?

1,943. I find it very hard to believe we are 4 days from the peak, but these UW lads are a lot smarter than I am and they are looking at it on a state by state, county by county, basis.

Send the army to the non border, or invade?

It’s not safe for either of them, or the other fella for that matter, to be going around campaigning. They should be cocooned in their mansions

We need an all Ireland responce to keep the brits out. Time to pull up the jawbridge and adpopt a seige mentality. If the UW model is correct we are just as fucked as they are if we can’t keep them out, they haven’t a clue what they’re at, entire tory cabinet is riddled, fucking amatuer hour

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They spent too much time jawing all right.

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Now is not the time for false modesty

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Fair enough, I’ll go with the weekend of April 18/19.

@anon7035031 does this do anything for coumos chances ?

Cuomo would make a fine President. He shows Trump up in his press conferences every day

Lessens them. The only realistic hope he had is if Bernie stayed in and forced it to the convention. If Biden didn’t have an outright majority and the DNC felt he was a huge risk, they could have proposed Cuomo as a compromise candidate. It would have been very high risk as Biden is fairly popular,and is polling well versus Trump across the country.

I think it’s inevitable now it’s going to be Biden vs Trump.

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sleepy joe has no chance

If the election were held today he would win. Lots of time between now and November though, and a hell of a lot can happen between now and then. If COVID-19 is behind us and the economy is back up and running, it will be close. If we are in worse shape, Biden will win in a landslide.

Cuomo 2024 is a cast iron cert

Some people thought Giuliani was a certainty to win the presidency after September 11th.

Time moves swiftly.

If Biden dies or has to pull out before the convention (whenever it is, or if it’s held at all) or he names a running mate, it moves back to Sanders.

Assuming hes still alive

You’re right, Cuomo needs to strike now while the iron is hot. He was on some TV show with his brother and they were having a genuine heartfelt conversation about whats best for their elderly mother during this crisis, really struck a chord with the public, they are having similar conversations in every home in America

That’s grand but Cuomo didn’t run and Biden is in place now. It’s sort of like saying that Jack Grealish would do a great job in the Irish midfield.

The US Presidential race is nothing more than high end entertainment, it’s thrills and spills the people want, no one actually gives a fuck about policy and no one understands this better than one Donald Trump. Where is sleepy Joe anyway but skulking away in some dark corner while Cuomo is out every night trying to save the world. The time for action is now

Biden is a dreadful candidate, Hillary Clinton was miles better and she wasn’t great.

Biden will be painted as a senile, corrupt, communist paedophile and the so called “liberal” media will happily go along with it.