NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

There’s a bit of a groundswell building within the Democratic grassroots that Biden should step aside and ask his delegates to vote for Cuomo. There’s a few logical reasons for this. Given the crisis the country and the world is in, it might be best to nominate someone who is likely to be around for two terms. Biden is a bit vulnerable if his gaffes continue or get worse, and he starts to lose the cool in the debates or campaign trail. There’s also the issue of underestimating Trump as in 2016, he will campaign just as hard and Biden like Hillary may not have the energy to compete.

It’s really foolish to write off Trump. His campaign ads are already written. Let’s assume 50-100K Americans die of COVID-19. Trump will claim it would have been 1 million if he hadn’t banned travel from China, and 2 million if he hadn’t banned travel from Europe. The same ad will show Biden opposing the travel bans, saying Trump was being xenophobic. You need someone strong to stand against Trump, Cuomo certainly fits the bill as a tough New Yorker, Biden appears tough at times but not consistently.

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The brits just lack humility, theres a reason that was considered a sin in the olden days. Voting in that government with that mandate was possibly their greatest mistake since Suez

Lack of humility is a by-product of imperialism.

The US, Britain, Russia, China. All have it.

The idea that a country is “great” has always been a disastrous idea. Pride comes before a fall, as they say.

The thing with the brits is they have fallen. The empire was in freefall 100 years ago. The more you look at brexit its clear it was a last gasp attempt to feel superior or at least somewhat relevant just one last time and now the corona has fucked that too. Events dear brits, events!

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Never leaves them though. Same as how Putin is obsessed with the idea that loss of the Soviet Union, ie the Russian empire, was a historical disaster and so has consistently interfered in the affairs of nearby sovereign countries and tried to undermine the post World War II western order.

Therefore its entirely unsurprising that the Brexiteers are generally big fans of Russia.

In Brooklyn,NY there was a Jewish funeral and the police went to stop them so they started to protest. NYPD brought in a Firetruck and took care of business

Guy spraying the hose there looked a lot like Jeremy Corbyn

It’s a pity former poster Sidney isn’t here, he’d be delighted to see that.

You hate Jews, mate, don’t you?

“Reporter” Steven Nelson of Murdoch rag the New York Post asks Trump a question not about his handling of COVID-19, but about a show on Netflix. The white privilege dripping off his preppy face. Yeah, that’s “scrutiny”, US right-wing style.

If joe exotic got released he would make great tv . I dunno if joe exotic was right wing if he was in to a left style of living .

Top bantz to be fair

Amazingly the UK’s policy of buying tests before finding out whether they work or not isn’t proving successful.

They’ll be wrecked


Now lads, I might not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but can someone please tell me what the fuck is going on in Britain. Deaths seem to be going up day on day and yet they tell us the curve is flattening. :man_shrugging:

The percentage increase is smaller each day I think mike is what they mean.

Maybe chief but 10% of a thousand is a hundred. 5% of a 100000 is 5k

death rate is meaningless unless everyone is tested