Off the Ball on Newstalk

Keane should have been jailed for that tackle on Haaland, it was disgusting and the mark of an utter thug.


:popcorn: :popcorn: may settle in for the night

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Your experience in this field is you have come across a few violent kids in your classrooms and diagnosed them with autism. Based on this vast “expertise” in psychology you have retrospectively diagnosed Keane as an Aspie, even though he has zero symptoms of such.

You have dug such a hole a JCB couldn’t get you out, so I’d advise putting your head down for a while.

Think you’ll find most acts of serious violence are cold/ calculated,and serious planning is needed ( I’ll referencing the 6 counties + a lot of the Hutch - Kinahan shite)

Jesus fuck.

A lad that kicked a few fellas has been accused of being autistic, a terrorist and a gang member.

Fucking hell


This place​:thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:

You know nothing about my experience with Autism, but I can absolutely 100% guarantee (I only know this because of the astonishing ignorance of some of your comments in the past hour) that it is way beyond yours

Seeing as your so keen to win the argument just point our where I said that violence is a common trait in those on the autism spectrum and I’ll apologize and admit that you’re the great expert you claim to be,
You however did claim that a person with a history of violence (strange to attach that tag to a footballer for a few over the top tackles) could not be diagnosed with autism

I’m not going to bore the others with this any more, I call bullshit on your expertise, PM me if you wish and I’ll reciprocate

Think/ know this forum can bring the best out of one but fuck me it also brings the lunacy to the surface

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Lads seem to forget that Alfie halland played the following week after that tackle

His career was ended with a knee injury at training


Why the fuck would I PM you.

Your initial interaction was to disagree with my comment that autistic people are generally not violent, in fact violence is very rare with them.

But agree, leave it at that.

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What the fuck?

What does that matter. It was a horrific tackle, premeditated and could have left him with a serious injury. The malice in it was sickening.

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Standing over a man with a busted knee, who’s career could be over and accusing him of play acting and whatever else was said to Keane wasn’t pleasant either.

Look at all the money Roy raises for charity. A decent fella. He’s a cold dry wit that some people can’t understand. He’s a winner and Ireland’s greatest ever footballer. He didn’t accept anything but 100 percent and called out those who accept mediocrity. He doesn’t do the drunk mick thing that the o Irish love so people try denigrate him.


Wasn’t better than Paul McGrath, no way.

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Jimmy Saville was a great man for raising money for charity

I’m not calling Roy Keane a paedophile before anyone starts

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Christ almighty, that is some strawman argument. Keane went down under an innocuous challenge, he got a bad injury.

The he goes out with malice in a premeditated move and tries to end a chap’s career.

A lot of Irish can identify with a McGrath alright given his problems with alcohol. Wouldn’t lace keanes boots. Maybe he could if he stayed sober.

2 people stood over him balling and shouting in his face mate.

Chippy Brady was better than both