Official 2011 All Ireland Hurling Championship Thread

Wonder what the odds on Donal Óg becoming player manager are.

Fairly astronomical unless there is a serious change in personnel at the County Board first!

Couple of marches might pave the way, no?
Plus with all the criticism on the way, who’d want to take the job.
He might be the only one mental enough to take it on.

I think the days of marches are long gone. The Executive of the County Board as it is currently constituted would literally go through everybody in Cork that has ever picked up a hurley before they’d give the job to Donal Og.

Jaysus that’s some beating for Cork. Dubs v Tipp in the semis so, handy one for the home of hurling

Antrim up 0-3 to 0-2 after 13 mins

Antrim up 0-5 to 0-3.

Limerick seem to be struggling in the FB line

Antrim 0-7 to 0-6

Antrim down to 14

Limerick settling into it… could be a red here against Antrim

And it is. Karl Stewart dived 2 footed at Geary who had already been dragged to the floor

Niall Moran goal -

1-8 to 0-7

1-10 to 0-8 at half time.

Limerick seem to be playing much better now.

I hope RTE show extended highlights of the Cork Galway game. Galway got some ridiculously good scores in the 2nd half, pure champagne hurling.

i take it you were at the game?? and you were posting updates on here during it? why the fuck did you pay to go to a game, only to end up posting on the internet during it?? fairly pathetic


I posted at half time, and during a stopage because it wasn’t being televised and I thought people might want to know how it was going. I realise it might take a simpleton like yourself a few hours to put a sentence together but luckily for me I’m not a drooling half wit and can get a post typed up and submitted in a few seconds.

Kevin Downse and Dodge gone off at HT. Hopefully nothing serious.

Runt go easy. Can’t be an easy week for Whiskey with the coverage his mothers death got yesterday


Poor Whiskey

you also made a post one minute into the game. Muppet.

If people wanted to know how it was going they could have listened to it on the radio like I did.

