Official 2011 All Ireland Hurling Championship Thread

they might aswell blew up now as galway have thrown in the towel. Dismal display from galway.

I thought the Dublin game was the worst I’d seen from a Galway team but we have a new winner after this.

Disgraceful stuff.

I don’t agree with Duignan and Canning’s take that it’s Joe Canning v Waterford. He’s as culpable as the rest of the Galway players. It’s fine bringing out the bag of tricks in qualifier games but he’s been posted missing as this game has progressed. Not sure what his record is like in championship games from quarter final stage onwards but I don’t think it’s up to much.

i agree

i dont

Kevin Moran and Shane Walsh have been really exceptional here.

fair play to davy and the waterford players. great character to come out and put in a performance like that after the hammering versus tipp.

his body language has being shite in my opinion

Rotten pull by the Galway defender there. Sums them up nicely.

Cowardly and rotten.

Davy crying ffs

we wont be seeing mcintyre again

Wd fans around me were singing Sacked in the Morning at McIntyre from about 45 mins

How bad are Cork now?

At the end of every game you can say:
Were the winning team that good or were the losing team that bad?

Now we’re gonna hear tonight from RTE that the Waterford are full of heart and that they are back. Most hurling teams with any respect would want to put Galway to the sword today.
Tomás Mulcahy talking a load of bullshit there. “Waterford needed to get back to playing with flamboyance and forget about tactics and drift defences and open the shoulders and get on with it.” That is exactly the kind of attitude that would see Waterford get another serious beating in the semi-final. Davy saying the same nonsense “Throw off the shackles and play”.

Galway spent most of the match not even contesting puck outs. I saw it in the first half with Gantley. He just looked at the ball, didn’t even address it with a hand or his hurl. God forbid he make it anyway difficult for his marker. Same was the case all over the field. Between that and poor short puck outs. One late in the second half was particularly hilarious.

Between that and incorporating a short game of over-elaborate hand passes played right into Waterford’s hands. Once in the first half Galway played the ball around with some good hand passes and ended in a good point for Canning. The rest of the time they were running into dead ends and being dispossessed with ease. I alluded to this at half time. Tipp created a template of how to dismantle Waterford. Quick ball into the full forward line and move your forwards around to make space. Tipp didn’t invent this, it is a simple tactic that has been used for years. But they executed it perfectly. It looked like Galway specifically decided to do the opposite of this. It looked like they had no forward movement and their over-elaboration negated even the idea of quick ball. It looked as though Waterford had their half back line playing deep. But all the Galway forwards did was stand still.

Waterford scored 2-23 and did so under very little pressure from Galway. Tipperary put them under so much pressure in the Munster Final that Waterford attackers could not get a clean shot off and hit a series of poor wides. Today, players like Shane Walsh and Stephen Molumphy were totally free to tip over little shots for points. The start of the second half saw them score 5 points before Galway even realised it. Between lack of effort and stupid frees it accounted for most of the Waterford scores.

Again, I still don’t get the placing of some players and tactics by McIntyre.
Joe at half forward, Hayes at centre forward. Square pegs in round holes.

“Galway’s attitude was not wrong today”. I beg to differ bro. Best of luck, John. The next guy will have to deal with the same weak minded players and the same capitulation but at least they might put Joe full forward, create some space for him to do some damage and hit some ball into him. It will work until they lay another egg in a quarter final.

Were Waterford that good or were Galway that bad? Galway didn’t even try.
I’m annoyed watching Galway. God only knows what Galway fans make of it.
This Galway team are some bunch of absolute losers. They can count themselves lucky they didn’t get to a semi-final and play like that. Tipp and Kilkenny would both take pleasure in wiping the floor with them.

I truly feel like today shows that the gap between the top 2 and the rest is enormous.
I can see 2 very one-sided semi-finals.

You seem strangely obsessed with Cork. Now I don’t particularly mind this, since when we’re going through a spell where we are basically an irrelevance at senior hurling it’s good to see that some people still seem to care. It’s a bit weird on your part though.

On today’s games, agree with the general drift of conversation here. Limerick threw it away, and Galway were bafflingly awful. They looked like they weren’t competing for ball pretty much from the off, and seemed to give up entirely midway through the second half. Canning continuing to play at half forward when they clearly needed goals in the second half seemed entirely bizarre.

Galway were a disgrace today.

I would have thought that Galway fell into the classic favourites trap. Totally complacent at the start and got blown out of it at the start. Got back into it and must have thought at half time that they’d just kick on and win. However they were blown out of it again at the start of the second half and they were in tatters then. There were bad signs early on though. Andy Smith got into a shoving match with Kevin Moran and took a dive holding his face. Scandalous prick acting and not a good sign. Also Waterford sacrificed a scoreable free to have a good ruckus after about 25 minutes and Galway backed down.

It was also a huge deal for Waterford to go in at half time in the lead and go off to a standing ovation [quote=“braz83, post: 592765”]

You seem strangely obsessed with Cork. Now I don’t particularly mind this, since when we’re going through a spell where we are basically an irrelevance at senior hurling it’s good to see that some people still seem to care. It’s a bit weird on your part though.

On today’s games, agree with the general drift of conversation here. Limerick threw it away, and Galway were bafflingly awful. They looked like they weren’t competing for ball pretty much from the off, and seemed to give up entirely midway through the second half. Canning continuing to play at half forward when they clearly needed goals in the second half seemed entirely bizarre.

Just in the door from Thurles. Galway were fcuking disgracefull today.

Why train all year and then throw in the towel after 2 mins of the 2nd half.

Gutless, Ruderless, Leaderless, shambolic cowards.

I’d meet the cunts at the county border with pitchforks and torches if I was you mate. I sincerely hope they didn’t get out of Thurles without a serious amount of abuse from their fellow county folk.

Today’s matches were shown up for what they were - an utter irrelevance in the grand scheme of things. Tipp or KK would prob beat a selection panel from today. Either way, Dublin can only hope to not get Waterford-ed by Tipp and Waterford can hope they play like today and not the Munster final

On another note : Waterford have, quite possibly the ugliest population I have ever had the misfortune to come across

Fógra eile: was shocked to hear Limerick people cheer when Niall Moran came off. Whatever ye’re thoughts on the chap, he didnt deserve that