Official All Ireland Senior Football Championship 2011 Thread

Terrible game so far. Miles off the pace of Kerry vs Cork last week.

Agreed on both counts. I’ve been quite impressed by Eames. It’s a low bar, but he’s probably the best GAA commentator.

The standard of Wexford’s handpassing is abysmal. They’re doing well to stay in the game, but it’s hard to see Dublin losing this.

That’s why ye’ll not win the All-Ireland. The assumption that ye can turn it on at will at any time, and as we all know mate, to assume makes an ass out of u and me.
Wexfords defending is admirable so far though. They still have a chance.

The crowd is low because half of dublin are down in Kildare slashing each other.

im not from dublin mate-im Italian

:lol: :lol: :lol:

get in there

de duds are such windbags :smiley:

Now we have a game. Hon Wexford.

mi scusi.

Oops, a goal for wexico.
Your fellow eyetalians would want to start upping their gears now.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

get in there

the wexford keeper just shat himself :lol: :lol:


Masterson funked out of that one big style.
Watch now as Dublin turn into world beaters.

de duds just handpassed the ball into the goal & the wexford fans all dropped thier heads thinking it was legit :lol:

that keeper is dodgy

Masterson is a clown.

Big cheer from the dub fans as well.
Do they know the rules at all?

its gga mate-its not a world sport

Clueless Dublin fans in Davin Stand celebrating Brogan’s goal


turn of phrase mate.
maybe I should have said wife beaters

some lad called bradley just kicked it for touch :lol:

Isn’t James McCarthy a Donegal man?

bradleys kick to touch just led to a dublin goal :lol: :lol:

get in there

then wexford fans thought they scored a goal not realising the square ball rule :lol: :lol:

Some goal that. Game over.

that bradley cunt is fast becoming this years beardo weirdo

the angst look on his face as he fucks up again & again is hillarious