Official Arsenal FC Thread - 2015/16

Woolwich :joy::joy::joy:

You funny cunt :joy::joy::joy:

Brilliant :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3:

TOTL :clap::clap::clap::clap:

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A lovely club Arsenal, with a gent of a manager. Iโ€™d only be delighted to see them win the league.

Woolwich Arsenal
Woolwich Arsenal
Youโ€™re the blow ins
From South London
Mighty Tottenham
Super Spurs
Weโ€™re the pride
of North London

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Geoff apologies for lashing out earlier. I just find the Woolwich jibe to be particularly pathetic.

Happy Christmas / Hanukkah in any case.

Two seasons ago Woolwich had an even healthier lead than they do now at the top of the table with most of the tricky away visits to come in the New Year. They duly lost 5-1 at Liverpool, 6-0 at Chelsea, 3-0 at Everton and also lost at Stoke.

Chelsea (notwithstanding their current lowly position) and Bayern Munich were the two big names that Woolwich have faced on their travels so far this season and the performance and results would suggest those away day blues are nowhere near been solved. Woolwich looked at it, didnโ€™t fancy it and folded. Why should Anfield, Maine Road, Goodison Park or the Brittania in the New Year be any different?

Easy from the cheap seats.

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@briantinnion , @Monkey_Allen , @Rocko @Fagan_ODowd

Brace yourselves boys. :soccer::white_check_mark:


The biggest game of the season :clap:

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Woof :soccer:


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Pheo :scream:

Would be a very good win with the players they have out


GIROUD โ€ฆnutsโ€ฆ




Iโ€™m in dreamland. I havenโ€™t felt this optimistic about Arsenal since February 2008 when Arsenal came from behind against Birmingham City to lead 2-1 and I text @farmerinthecity to say that Arsenal had won the league that day. We all know how that panned out after Eduardo had his leg snapped in half. Letโ€™s hope it doesnโ€™t end that badly again this time.

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Ozil is the leader tonight, been excellent tracking back. 2 assists & 2 goals. :ok_hand:

Campbell putting a shift in too.