Official TFK UFC Thread

In my experience most dubs do like the sound of their own voice his aul lad sounds and looks like a real pain in the hole it’s easy know where the son got it from

You wouldn’t have much use for it on your back.

I got da power

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 1081211, member: 273”]You wouldn’t have much use for it on your back.

I got da power[/QUOTE]

I’d rip your Achilles asunder with it then and pin you to the ground with it by your bollox.

I’d be back home in Cork by the time you’d wake up. The only ankle you’d see is the ambulance driver.

It’s mentioned on this thread, dumbass.

I haven’t really been online that much over the last few days, pal. And when I have, i’ve been concentrating mainly on gridiron.

UFC is for people who lack the discipline and intelligence to box.

The UFC vs Boxing argument is similar to arguing whether Athy or New Ross is a nicer town

The insecurity from the boxing fans is unreal. I couldn’t give a fuck about boxing, when it’s good it’s great to watch but more often than not it’s a pile of shite- MMA is the future.

They’re both shite, mate

FotF Ewan MacKenna had a column on McGregor in The Sunday Business Post last…Sunday. It’s behind the pay-wall and I don’t subscribe to The SBP site but Ewan is usually sound enough to put his columns up on his own site 3 or 4 days later. I’m therefore looking forward to reading his thoughts later this week.

Can you give us the gist of the article even? Is Ewan a fan?

What a useless post

He used to be in the early days and was pretty much the first Irish journalist to take note and interview him. He now thinks McGregor’s loud-mouth, shite-talking persona is retarded so I guess he’s written about that. You may recall that, after a fight last year, McGregor’s coach tweeted Ewan’s mobile phone to the masses in response to some criticism from Ewan at McGregor’s antics.

Ah yes, I do recall that now that you mention it. Sounds like McGregor got too big for Ewan’s liking.

The old @Mac would have pointed out that tweeting a mobile phone wouldn’t be much use. Fortunately for you, I no longer engage in such nit-picking of posts.

That’s a very misinformed comment. As someone who participated in both (training only MMA) I would say discipline is even more important in MMA.
Can we get back to explaining what a cunt this lad is.

Does it not really hurt your shins when you’re kicking a lad?

It’s supposed to be hell, these lads practise it for hours tho… I’m sure it’s far worse on the recieving end.

Why don’t you just PM him?