Official TFK UFC Thread

I wouldn’t underestimate the Irish love for a bandwagon.

The UFC do massively hype up the fact that the he is huge here alright. He is, but to put things in perspective so were Bernard Dunne and Steve Collins.

Watched the real fights last night online last night thanks to @Watch_The_Break’s link.

Had a doob and went to bed.

Woke up this morning, watched 13 seconds of highlights online. Job done.



Ya thats it, he’s at that level. Still wouldn’t touch the national teams or many other sports people.

There is still more people going to england and scotland for soccer every week than there was went over there for this “once off”. The PPV numbers are not that spectacular.

Here you eat your own shit it doesn’t get much more serious than that!

Just watched that this afternoon. Every one of McGregor’s fights end the same and yet Aldo’s opening move was a perfect set up for a slip and counter left -what was he thinking?? I reckon he didn’t take McGregor seriously at all. Amateurish.

On a side note, McGregor has some lads on here wound up like clockwork.


He has you there

Factually incorrect fwiw but when you’re deflecting the factually correct statement that you were mugged off last night, you’re struggling

In the few Aldo fights I’ve watched he’s used that same move several times. I guess he wanted to make a statement early and push McGregor back. Clearly he didn’t appreciate the risk. In boxing terms it looked amateurish but in the UFC it’s the sort of thing guys regularly get away with.


crazy point

I wanted McGregor to win, he did, I’m delighted, you wanted him to lose, clearly you are seething and are badly rattled over it all but not to worry always his next fight.

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I posted on here the other day that Aldo would want to win on striking and on his feet.

Plus those gloves give no mercy!

Gloves is over rated. Speed and position of shot is what knocks people.

Yeah. Crack on the side of the jaw completely rocking the head right around. Perfect. Good night.

I wasn’t bothered either way if he won or not in the same way I won’t care less if Sheamus wins at Wrestlemania

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On a side note McGregor looked ridiculously relaxed and loose before the fight. No sign of tension or nervous energy at all. Huge contrast between him and Aldo.


+1. Not even an “Aldo Shuffle” as he charged in. Amateur as hell.

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It would appear he has you rattled here mate, fuck, how did you let this happen?