On this day

I’m crying looking at this.

Was the sky trying to tell us something?

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The corofin farmers were delighted

One year ago today, 20th January 2020, an astute former poster opened the first Coronavirus thread, The Wuhan Clan. Well worth reading the first few months posts for a bit of nostalgia, here’s a small sampling.

Astute Poster. “Is this the big one lads?” “Chinese New Year should be cancelled and travel restrictions put in place before it’s too late”

“Astute poster always looking for the worst case scenario” Really? @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

“More people have died from the flu today than will die from this virus in it’s entire run” :joy: @Julio_Geordio

“I think the safest option is just WFH until this thing blows over” :clap: :clap: @PhattPike


It was all hunky-dory until the Italians got their hands on it. I believe @PhattPike called that one too.

A couple of lads were sneered at for saying the risks were underestimated. It’s funny a lot of the LIDTF posters did not take this seriously at the start and then were spooked. The more level headed members were able to deal with the reality having understood what was about to unfold.

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And the rugby and horsey fuckers brought it here. The GAA and FAI should sue the bastards.


Spot on

Every second poster on that thread is @anonsomething

Mad looking back at the predictions

Casualties of 2020.

January 27th 2020:

And so began a year of key weeks.

Six months ago today Liverpool lifted the EPL trophy aloft on the Kop

He did a lovely dance that day

It’s all going a bit pear shaped now though.

25 years on. A moment of infamy.

FOTF does an amusing what if twitter take on it. Nails it.

20 years ago today. Remember it well. Some team we had, Di Canio, Fat Frank, Carrick, Joe Cole, Christian Daily :slight_smile:


Barthez :joy: :joy: :joy:

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100 years. Amother one that will have to be acknowledged later in the year