On this day


Interesting that the Black and Tans are designated as RIC

It’s sad that a headstone to such a patriot is left in such a state. The people of whatever parish it’s in should be ashamed of themselves never mind his descendants who must be beyond redemption altogether. Shameful.


True for you Boxty, he is buried in Templeogue Cemetery, not sure if he had children

3 February. I can still remember being brought to the chapel and the priest blessing the throats.
“Through the intercession of St Blaise, bishop and martyr…”

National graves need to be consulted


You’ve no jurisdicion up here you free state bostard.

Also, the defining move of Kevin Bonners Dublin career, the moment where he finally served his purpose.

That was the day before a plan was hatched in Dublin that would create the most dominant Gaelic football team in history.

5th February 1992

And the scum couldn’t leave a small commemoration alone


Munich Air Crash was this day in 1958.

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50 years ago today. Decimalisation.

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Did we have to decimalise before joining the EEC? Or was it because the UK we’re doing so?

Both I’d say.

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Ernest Henry Shackleton was born on 15 February 1874 in Kilkea Co Kildare


I’ll differ on that. We were fully aligned with the UK, pound for pound until 1979.
So we changed over in 1971 simply because the UK did.

We joined the EEC in 1973, the same day as the UK.

As an aside, most of the old notes and coins were kept. Wiki tells me that a new 50p was issued but the old 1p coin was no more. I remember my father giving me a load of them as a chap. I thought I was loaded until my older brother told me they were worthless.

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25 years today

