On this day

The lad bringing tea to the invigilator burst in to the room and said, Robbie Keane goal last minute and everyone cheered. Glory days


I was in primary school and we watched the first half in school but were sent home at half time to watch the second half at home.

A part of me wishes they kept us in school for the Keane goal.


My dad wouldn’t be a soccer man but by God he did some lepping around the sitting room that day.

Ah Jaysus, I’m off to the Shit that makes you feel old thread.


I was in play school I’ll never forget it.


That’s a great photo of the US Army in fairness.


We were all in the assembly hall watching it on a 24 inch TV. Scenes will Keane scored. What a great day

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Jaysus yer all chaps.

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Even I feel old. I’d three years of college down like.

Watched it in Dolan’s Warehouse. The amount of smashed glass when the ball hit the net.

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Would I be wrong in saying that’s the only goal Kahn conceded in the tournament up to the final?

Ah lovely :clap::clap::clap:

Jerry got what for.

British Brains won ww2, the yanks and Russians sent 1000’s to their deaths

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The Russians were mighty to soak up lead.


Great lads. They pur a serious shift in

Myself and a fellow colleague chanced an extended lunch break to watch that match. Lunch in the pub, a couple of pints on company time and robbies goal made for an excellent afternoon. I was back in the school five minute 5 minutes when I was summoned to the principal’s office…off I went to face the bastard, all hope of an innocent explanation faded when my colleague joined me to discuss possible permutations, disciplinary hearings, suspected touts etc
We both walked out of the office five minutes later after being thanked for our hard work, congratulated on our recent promotions and informed that the related salary increases would be backdated for a year. Mental scenes altogether



77 years ago today, the liberation of France from the Nazis began. Their sacrifice will never be forgotten.