Opinion: Tj Reid

Callanan isn’t in the same league as TJ.


Completely different players

Ya one great player and one decent player.


Right now one should have retired four years ago the other could go for another four.

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Callanan was better than decent, in fairness

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Nominated for HOTY 4 times - same as TJ Reid.

No one else has ever done that.

Two of the greatest of all time.

I wouldn’t have much interest in these type of debates because it usually ends up with lads denigrating a lad for no reason other than to win an argument.

They way i think about it is, if i had to pick one of them, for any 6 of the forward positions, id pick tj in every single position every time. Thats more a reflection on how good i think reid is and not a knock on callanan


That is fair enough.

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3-25 to 0-20 was the scoreline, on a point of fact.

The likelihood is that Limerick will beat Kilkenny in a fortnight’s time. But I think it is odd to hold that Kilkenny 2023 are “useless”. I would use the term ‘promising at times but erratic’.

I honestly thought Clare beat themselves yesterday with their bizarre tactics in the first half and then when they got themselves into a two point lead they froze and self destructed coughing up an awful.

Kilkenny didnt have to do an awful lot to win that compared to last year when I thought they were purring in the semi final (albeit with Clare failing to show up)

I would say a slightly worse KK team, ran a slightly better Limerick team to 3 points last year. Not expecting much different in two weeks


Has shefflin received similar criticism to lohan, and previously Davy and Derek for going to 1 man inside and deploying a sweeper late in the 1st half? And then sticking with it until it was too late. A terribly negative switch that handed the initiative to Limerick completely

A great player and an all time great.

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Nicely put.

Kilkenny hurled poorly enough, especially in the first half and then via dreadful second half wides, in 2022 AIF. If Kilkenny hurl well in a fortnight’s time, they will have an outside chance.

Kilkenny are not great but neither are they anything like as poor, I submit, as you are claiming.

Anyway, we will see what happens.

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This is a very decent Kilkenny team. Obviously, since they’re in back-to-back All Ireland finals.

They seem to suffer the misfortune of being compared to Kilkenny’s best ever team, the most successful team in the history of hurling; very very few teams would stand up to that comparison.

But they are a good team in their own right and I’d say definitely better in 2023 than 2022 too.


I agree nigh 100% with that post.

Most people have no iidea of the shitshow the Kilkenny camp became 2017 to 2022. Certain players just did not develop as they might have in another context.


Outside of Cody its very hard to see any Kilkenny forward scoring more than 1 point from play in 70 minutes. TJ can’t get shots off anymore in open play.

Compare that to the great forwards ye had back in the day when it would be bang, bang, bang over the bar.

Ye should be in the doldrums but everyone else are just hopeless too and ye have that warrior spirit that no one else has.

But no one, least of all myself, is claiming this Kilkenny iteration is comparable to Kilkenny 2009 or Kilkenny 2014. But so what, really. How many teams in the history of hurling would be?

I think Richie Reid is a big weakness.

It’s very tough for the young Kilkenny players to replace all time greats as well.