2023 All Ireland Hurling Championship

The slo-mos do it no favour, it was amazing live. Shot came from nowhere.

It’s not the best save ever, but given the moment of the match and the scale of the match, it is an all time great save I would say.

If KK win the All Ireland it will be cited in lore, ala Nicky’s save in 2018


It was a great save, but its typical hurling hyperbole that it has to be described as the greatest of all time.


Thats hilarious simply because its you that posted it


I agree with both of you. Lyons was awful again yesterday, and again, largely more awful for one team. Gavin, you are absolutely right is a blight.

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He went with a system I don’t think his team ever played before and they looked lost playing it. He went away from their strengths and what got them there completely. It also seemed to go away completely from what he and his team are about and what’s made them a smashing team, man to man no backward step we’re going to take you on all over the field and keep coming at you. After taking that approach with Limerick why change for kk? Not only the change but the choice of Morey and the fact they looked completely unpractised in it compounded it. Ok he recognised it didn’t work and changed tack but you can add in they seemingly had no plan what to do about butler marking TK.


You’re a gas man

I can see lohans logic in the cold light of day. Kilkenny had the game dead and buried inside the first quarter last year. They were against a significant breeze too. He wanted to avoid kk gaining a big lead because they simply wont let up.

He was a gee hair from being called a tactical genius by the same pundits that are blaming him.

The howler for the goal and ryan taylors injury were what ultimately fucked them

Whatever about being marked out of it on the big occasion once again TKs Bruno Fernandez tendancies do him no favors there yesterday


Outside of Eoin Cody, the other 5 Kilkenny forwards scored two points from play. Obviously TJ is unreal and still very effective, but the other four I wouldn’'t describe as elite at all.

Compare the half forward line yesterday of Phelan, Keoghan and Donnelly to Power, Shefflin and Larkin and it tells a story.

Bubbles was right the other day, you only need about two wristy, scoring forwards now and let the rest run around hooking and blocking and forraging.

The scoring zone has extended by 20-30 yards since then. Now the top teams are regularly getting points from midfield and half backs and even full backs. Those shots would have been balls in 10/15 years ago


The selection of Morey was largely down to the fact that he had two injured players at 3 and 6 and couldn’t trust them. Neither had he the strength in his panel to replace them.

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It getting deflected onto the crossbar added to the drama of it as well, but there are a fair few examples of better saves I could think of. A great save but I wouldn’t have it as the greatest.


Stephen O’Keefe has produced a few that were out of this world.


Maybe that’s fair enough and I’m being too harsh on them. But the fact they won the rest of the match after they changed tack shows it was the wrong choice.

I see Casey shouldered Shefflin in the tunnel at HT. Anyone else have the low down on this?

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It was a tactical move to send Shefflin into a frenzy

Context is everything. The last minute of an all Ireland semi final adds to it too.

Shefflin missed a trick… he had Ja Mannion on the bench, a lad that would have gladly done ‘a job’ on Casey for him. Oh well

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If Skehill, Cummins & Donal óg said it’s pretty much the greatest save ever it’s hard to argue with them.



Grand radio tbf.

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