Opinion: Tj Reid

Women are cunts.

Duplicitous cunts… They mask it so well most of the time. Then you break the hoover and you find out what they really think.


Was your knob in it at the time?

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3 pound of shite in a 2 pound bag.

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I think the begrudgery and wilful contrariness is much more unhealthy here in that outstanding talents such as Tubs, Rory McIlroy and Bono are routinely ridiculed because they are genuinely humble and grounded people, while scumbags like Putin, Trump and Orban are revered.

There’s a wryness and an awareness to the put downs on Tattle you rarely get here. The real target seems to be less the individuals such as Mrs. Reid and the lady who cocaine shited herself at a wedding and more the vapid Instagram/social media culture that has has enabled such talentless individuals to flourish like flies on shite.

And yet at the same time, everybody commenting is caught up in this fake, vacuous world they hate.

They cannot live with it and they cannot live without it. And they are all aware of this.

It reminds me a bit of Ken Early trawling for absurdity, incompetence, greed and corruption in the never ending world of football soap opera. You can tell he finds the whole thing completely stupid, depressing and beneath him, and yet he depends on this world of absurdity, incompetence, greed and corruption for his livelihood. But at the same time he enjoys it all and is addicted to it, and the enjoyment comes from the self conscious ridicule of the absurdity and his addiction to that absurdity.

I think the only comparable thing on this forum to Tattle’s ridicule of various people on the Instagram/influencer circuit is the consistent ridicule of various S&C people/nutritionists/performance analysts/movement coaches/gurus on the GAA circuit.


Exactly the same


You had me until here

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Hardly given he said he broke it

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Tattle makes TFK look like a knitting circle for auld wans.

Wow that tattle looks like a right cesspit of bitching cunts & flambĂŠs :flushed:

The Garrihy sisters get some doing on it

There’s more than one of them? Jaysus

Poor teeje

“ I remember someone on a previous thread saying they can’t keep staff in the gym so if that is anything to go by either TJ or his business partner don’t know how to run things effectively! Wasn’t he a sales rep before for Glanbia? Imagine him coming out to your farm, he has the personality of a snail Snail :snail: and the way he wears his socks playing, nearly over his knees, now that gives me the ick “

Three of them got famous from one of them getting onto Fair City. And being Ian Dempsey’s goddaughter

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they’d give you a pain in the hole

I’d say if Teege turned up wearing just his socks she wouldn’t be long letting him ick all over her


The one on the radio would give a paracetamol a headache

You’ve put too much thought into that.


It’s a little bit disturbing alright

TJ Debruin will have the run of Croke Park today with John Conlon out through injury