Opinion: Tj Reid

Ah lads. Itā€™s not even 9 yet

Unbelievable hyperbole, he got three points and missed a sitter in 20 minutes. Please note that I didnā€™t say he played shit before you start lying again

I love Galway mate. Daithi Burke, Padraic Mannion, Cathal Mannion, Conor Whelan and Joe Canning are tremendous players. I am pretty much a neutral in intercounty hurling, Iā€™ve been to one Tipperary game in 4 years

What do you mean by forward? Heā€™s not a scorerā€¦

A forward is one of the players who plays in the front 6 positions mate. If scoring is the only thing that counts then Callanan is the only possible winner

I asked you for your definition, given that he is not a scorer and you think heā€™s the best forward in the game.

Heā€™s scored 22-339 in championship hurling mate

11-238 from placed balls.

10-101 from play then, a bit above not a scorer territory

Is it enough for the best forward in the game tho? Heā€™s playing since when, 2008?

Iā€™d go Joe, Callanan and TJ in that order of MVPs.

Top forward in the game now, not since 2008

We shouldnā€™t be indulging this stale discussion; itā€™s coming up every few weeks at this stage.


Christ above some all stuff being posted on twitter and whatā€™s app.

Youā€™d want your head examined to be an inter county hurler these days.

Whats the gist of it?



Sad bastard whoever it is

Thatā€™s disgusting carry on.

Itā€™s ill advised though to be posting anything of a personal nature up on twitter. It invariably attracts attention seeking sad bastards like that.


That is fairly low alright. To be honest if you had any sort of profile at all why would you bother posting on social media aside from promotional purposes. Not much to be gained from it aside from abuse.


There is dozens of women in every county in Ireland using Instagram and what not to make a few pound. Itā€™s amazing.

What a cunt.