Paddy Jackson & Stuart Olding -treat women poorly

After an acquittal?

Iā€™ve educated you pal, youā€™re welcome

I wasnt aware it was tied to the result. The provision of legal aid shouldnt be tied to guilt or innocence.

But I will freely admit I am not an expert on the intricacies of the NI legal system like 6 or 7 lads on here.


If it helps you to think that go aheadā€¦

It isnā€™t, itā€™s based on meeting a financial threshold, and thatā€™s not the question you asked.

Now youā€™re channeling sid

Thatā€™s a low blow. (:zipper_mouth_face:)

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The order would be requested post trial to clawback fees. Not in advance of provision of the legal aid. Id imagine it is more utlised where someone may be asset rich but cant access these assets whilst a trial is pending

And youv answered a question you wernt asked

You must have got a bang on the head if thatā€™s what you recall :wink:

Either that or turned the head the other way


But you can bet your bottom dollar that if there was an application for a clawback thereā€™d be a cross application like PJs at the moment for the state to pay those fees.

Whateverā€¦ He probably doesnā€™t think heā€™s as bad as you and vice versa

Now thatā€™s a low blow.

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I must say this is probbaly my favorite exchange on tfk ever.


So they could make an application for a clawbackā€¦or revoke or dischargeā€¦ or place conditions on the granting of a certificateā€¦
And do you expect things to move that quickly?

So they could make a request for the order. Thats all I asked. Thanks for answering

@Mac, I am a few hundred posts behind in reading on this thread. Is it worth catching up?

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Thank you, youā€™ll allow me that muchā€¦maybe

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No. Not even a quick scan

I gave up a long time ago mate. Iā€™d suggest mark it all as read and move on

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