Paris Olympics 2024

People are saying.

People say a lot of things.

No idea on the Algerian tbh, if it is the case than its a different conversation. The SA athlete was born with both male and female genitals and this caused an increase in testosterone, not as high as a male but higher than female. I honestly cant think of a fair assessment on how to handle that. Its not as clear as letting men playing dress up complete with women.

Come on the yachty set!

Are these yachtsmen in the RNLI @Funtime?

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We donā€™t look to be in the mixer.

Again, youā€™re being ridiculous and looking for attention or a fight. Iā€™ll give your opinion as much weight as the opinion a middle aged irish fella stuck to a couch in Galway deserves. Enjoy your day.



Make of this what you will.

So you have no argument and resort to ad hominems. Well done.

Ridiculousness should be called out out for what it is. Thatā€™s what I do when it exists.

Itā€™s absolutely gas to see JK Rowling and her fellow headbangers do a total 180 when it suits them and suddenly tell us that somebody born with a vagina can be a man.

Our goose looks cooked here lads.

Currently 8th. Predicted 4th place final finish.

Spain have ran aground

We need the croats to fuck off.

How do they paint those lines on the water surface to mark out the pitch?

Didnā€™t realise we had so many sailors on board

peoples champ happy dance GIF by Much

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The refs have bailed out Oireland here


Incredible scenes. RESTART!

Race abandoned. Andrea De Cesaris has crashed his Minardi and itā€™s lying in a dangerous position.

Weā€™re blessed here.