Paris Olympics 2024

Iā€™m the same, absolutely loving it. Iā€™ve the TV on in the background all day long, am dying to visit Paris again and raging I didnā€™t go over and get tickets to an event.

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They were readily available and decent value.

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Mona said in todayā€™s interview she was done with Olympic swimming. I hope itā€™s not true.

By contrast, Fintan and Paul want to go to LA has heavyweights and win. Now thatā€™s something that will unite a forum, and potentially a country. Paulā€™s journey to putting on 15kg in McDonalds every evening while preaching to his patients to avoid fast food!


Theyā€™re still there too

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BBC pissing me off with ā€œteam Irelandā€ online and on highlights show for Irish competitors

Flights next week are expensive.

Irish journalists are also referring to it as team Ireland. Thereā€™s even a hashtag.

I feel as if youā€™re really working hard to be offended here

This is Irelandā€™s best Olympics by a mile surely with the spread of events and more to come hopefully

Read the room dude

Kimmage is brewing himself up to write a titanic article slating the state of cycling and how it is worse than the Lance days. I cannot wait.

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Thatā€™s a bit deceptive though as the population of the island is just over 7 million.

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Fintan was fairly adamant after they won the other day that he was done and would be retiring. Has he said something different since?

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Ita in paris mate

As the forums resident expert, I feel I can contribute here.

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Thatā€™s disappointing from mĆ³na. Youā€™d think winning an Olympic medal would be motivation alone to go again. No chance of mcclenaghan or wiffen giving up.
Hopefully sheā€™ll have a change of heart.

The Examiner podder with Cathal Dennehy and a few other lads said it yesterday morning. I thought Fintan said he was done with not eating, rather than retiring.


The relay girls were having none of it from her. Hard to be begrudge anyone who wants to go and live their life given the commitment involved.


Weā€™re in a post doping world now. No one gives a shit.


They were on Brendan Oā€™ Connor and he clarified that he was done with weigh-ins. The world championships are on in a few weeks and thatā€™s the last competition with lightweight categories and he is not going to the worlds.
Paul Oā€™ Donovan is entering in a single by the sounds of things so will have to do the weigh ins.
They both seemed to agree theyā€™d continue in the open (heavyweight) category but it might be in a four.