Paris Olympics 2024

Did golden boy not swim the previous leg?


I thought RTÉ said it was him anyway

Sure why wouldn’t be. Nothing to lose now.

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What did he say Mick? Volume got turned off where I am

Marchand was on the breaststroke which was the second of the four legs.


I’m disappointed, as are most sports fans I assume
But I’m disappointed for Wiffen, his confidence was refreshing but it’s made him look a little foolish when he doesn’t carry it through.
He wanted and expected gold so it’s natural to feel disappointment
The RTÉ panel were buying into that self confidence, they thought he’d win and he didn’t, so what??
The RTE bashing is relentless

A good evening for Greg Allen who now has clear water as the best RTE commentator.

Coldplay style wristbands being handed out for the greatest race on Earth tonight - the men’s 100m.

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Is Greg on site or is he in the RTÉ broom cupboard?

Daniel Wiffen was in Red Wedding GOT episode according to Claire Baldwin

He’s very much on site.

That’s what I thought alright :+1:

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Him and his brother. They were kids sitting in front of Walder Frey.

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Soccer, nadness to have it in there.

Basketballs argument for removing is diminishing because the international appeal and level is steadily increasing

The annoyance comes from there being any number of examples where Irish sportspeople and/or media talked themselves up and it all came undone.

Every time this happens we engage in bouts of self-hatred and bitter argument and recrimination.

“We should never talk ourselves up.”
“No, wait, why shouldn’t we talk ourselves up?”
“We should have known.”
“If you’re not confident how can you ever win?”
“We flicked a two fingers at history and history flicked the two fingers back.”
“It’s great to see Irish people not caring about our national stereotype.”
“He got notions. We got notions. We should never get notions.”
“If you’re going to be such a doom merchant I don’t know why you don’t go and commit suicide.”

This is our national DNA. It’s as Irish as moaning about the weather. It fulfils a valuable societal function.


Fuck it makes it better if he wins gold in LA. Like the pommelhorse yesterday. It was sweeter knowing the heartache from Toyko

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John Kenny getting confused between Japan and China.

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Finke 15 seconds off his PB :joy:

USA are now top of the swimming medals table . I thought someone said they were finished as a serious swimming nation


He had his Weetabix this morning.