Paris Olympics 2024

Those stats are sort of meaningless as the sport moves on and gets faster and faster.

Sonia hit nail on head - opportunity for an Olympic medal and it’s gone and most likely it’s gone for two or three of them forever.

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Thats a remarkable time for her.

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If they were just happy to be 4th and not absolutely devastated, they wouldn’t have got as close as they did.



What do they do mate?

Sophie is probably a better actress though

Apologies to Phil.

She was great.

There’s no one behind really pushing Healy from what I can see. The likes of Caden, McGrory, Harrison and others would be a second or two slower.

This year seemed to be Beckers years to set her best standards. She has no pro deal so Irish funding will only get her so far without working. Sharlene should be fine for LA as she has Puma backing her once she keeps delivering.

As usual, Sonia is on the money


These girls are the very definition of great Olympians. The emotions in that interview were all over the place. They feel every possible feeling. As it should be. They feel alive. They’ll never feel as alive again. The days of lives. They brought us with them.


The little wan has ran up the stairs looking for a ribbon for her hair for park run tomorrow.


Is this event in the Worlds? When they are on?

Next September in Tokyo.


Iconic cc @peddlerscross


Think Healy went back working a few years ago in some science type field & nearly packed it in. She’s 29 now. Mawdsley & Becker 2 or 3 years younger. We need some 18 or 19 year olds to take steps forward to be ready in 4 years.

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They were incredible, together and individually. I would only glance at athletics now and again, but since the Europeans these have caught my attention. The Irish team as a whole in fact. I’ve watched everyday. But these girls are inspiring. I’m in my 50’s. So hopefully they have a similar effect on kids who can actually go into the sports.


Can Paddy get some of the horsey money diverted to fund athletes instead?


Its a sprint race in the olympics mate, pretty inane comment to say they gave it their all?

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And cue……

You said ‘we’ :sweat_smile:

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