Paris Olympics 2024

He made a suggestion last night that was intriguing about Sharlene stepping up to 800m as lane running doesnā€™t suit her and she loves the hustle and bustle of relays. He said the same in the Euros about Michelle Finn stepping up to the Marathon. He can be an annoying cunt but stuff like that shows that heā€™s well able to think creatively and not just toe the standard pundit line


Iā€™d take that

Imagine if they took all the money spent on greyhounds and horses to prop up a fake industry for people to bet on and put it towards sports that people do.


Iā€™d bet on anything mate. enough is enough, itā€™s time for a change.


And the lads here defend it for the jobs. You asked about redirecting it away from grief hole racetracks and to medal worthy horsey sports and they are miffed.

Sharlene needs to go to 800 alright. Shed have serious gears at that distance.

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Thereā€™s a fantastic athletics hub after opening in Newcastlewest. Now itā€™s closed for the next two weeks for ā€œessential worksā€. Talk about terrible timing.


The jobs point is nonsense. Thatā€™s basic economics.

Thereā€™s some of us (myself) are happy as long there is bacon and cabbage in the pot and apple tart on the table; but at some stage we have to look at the bigger picture.


Thereā€™s plenty of money about FFS. Take it off the health service. They are only setting fire to it anyway


Of all the suspicious blood values released under parliamentary privilege, werenā€™t number 1, 2 and 3 in the list of the most suspicious all belonging to Paula?
She then disappeared off the commentary before regrettably being given the full huw rehabilitation brush, and now she oozes across airways like a sewage overflow.

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Sharlene could be our Alberto Juantorena.

Horseracing has to go now


French basketball team need to throw in Pogba

Poor Rob suffers massively from being from Carkā€¦a medalist at Olympic, world and European championshipsā€¦and a hape of lads who wouldnā€™t walk to mass giving him shit for the last few weeks


Even the improvements in general health and wellbeing which could be made by investing that money in public sporting infrastructure would make a massive difference and would help our health service, undoubtedely.

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I agree. Bastards up and down the country are stealing money off you and me so they can abuse animals and enable gamblers. It has gone on far too long.


The benefits of participation in sport are proven beyond a doubt. The dangers of gambling equally so. Why do we put up with this shit? Reverse the direction of this money and the country would immediately be a better place.


Rob is an absolute breath of fresh air. The more I see of him the more I like the cunt


Weā€™ll bring him on Boxing Day if Rob Jr isnā€™t playing for Newcastle